Facts and Myths
The loudest voices New Yorkers hear talking about climate change aren’t always the most truthful ones – passing this law was an uphill battle against misinformation, and we continue to fight that misinformation.
Some have straight up lied about the all-electric buildings law, attempting to manipulate New Yorkers for their own political advantage. New Yorkers deserve to know the facts. So, let’s cut through the noise and bust some myths about the law.
1. https://rmi.org/insight/the-economics-of-electrifying-buildings-residential-new-construction/
2. https://rmi.org/insight/the-economics-of-electrifying-buildings-residential-new-construction/
3. NYSERDA, Integration Analysis Appendix G, December 2022, page 35.
4. New York State Climate Act § 14; Chapter 735 of the Laws of 2019.
5. https://sealed.com/resources/winter-heat-pump/
6. https://map.rewiringamerica.org/states/new_york-ny
8. New York State Climate Action Council, Scoping Plan, page 180.