Legislative leaders today announced they have reached a consensus on table targets for the individual budget conference committees. These funds will be used as the basis for budget negotiations among the committees and represents real progress towards the enactment of a fourth consecutive on-time budget.
The table target amounts for individual budget conference committees include the following:
$240 million -- Education
$64 million -- Higher Education
$59 million -- Health / Medicaid
$24 million -- Environment, Housing, Energy, Agriculture
$9 million -- Transportation
$64 million -- Human Services
$19 million -- Mental Hygiene
$19 million -- Public Protection
$19 million -- General Government / Local Assistance
$19 million -- Economic Development
$26 million -- General Conference Committee
($50 million) -- Cuts
($12 million) -- Re-estimates
Total -- $500 million
The table targets will be addressed by the budget conference committees which have the following schedule today:
Cycle A - 9:30 AM
Public Protection/Criminal Justice/Judiciary - Hearing Room A
Mental Hygiene - Hearing Room B
Higher Education - Hearing Room C
Cycle B - 10:00 AM
Environment/Agriculture/Housing - Hearing Room A
Transportation - Hearing Room B
Human Services/Labor - Hearing Room C
Cycle C - 11:30 AM
Economic Development - Hearing Room A
Health - Hearing Room B
Education - Hearing Room C