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A08321 Summary:

COSPNSRMayer, Woerner, Ortiz, Peoples-Stokes, Thiele, Gottfried, Paulin, Simotas, Niou, Barrett, Rosenthal L, Malliotakis, Mosley, Jaffee, Williams, Glick, Fahy, D'Urso, Galef, De La Rosa, Magnarelli, McDonald, Seawright, Walsh, Davila
MLTSPNSRCahill, Lifton
Amd Various Laws, generally
Relates to replacing all instances of the words or variations of the words fireman or policeman with the words firefighter or police officer or variation thereof.
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A08321 Memo:

submitted in accordance with Assembly Rule III, Sec 1(f)
  TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the civil service law, the executive law, the legisla- tive law, the public officers law, the workers' compensation law, the railroad law, the labor law, the vehicle and traffic law, the public authorities law, the public housing law, the public health law, the general municipal law, the second class cities law, the local finance law, the municipal home rule law, the general city law, the town law, the county law, the military law, the village law, the education law, the mental hygiene law, the Indian law, the retirement and social secu- rity law, the insurance law, the not-for-profit corporation law, the tax law, the general business law, the social services law, the penal law, the transportation corporations law, the multiple residence law, the correction law, the criminal procedure law, the real property tax law, the racing, pari-mutuel wagering and breeding law, the uniform justice court act, the New York city criminal court act, the administrative code of the city of New York, and the volunteer firefighters' benefit law, in relation to replacing all instances of the words or variations of the words fireman or policeman with the words firefighter or police officer or variation thereof   PURPOSE OR GENERAL IDEA OF BILL: This bill would replace all Instances of the words or variations of the words fireman or policeman with the words firefighter or police officer in order to update antiquated and inaccurate language and promote participation in the professions regardless of gender.   SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS: To amend the civil service law, the executive law, the legislative law, the public officers law, the worker's compensation law, the railroad law, the labor law, the vehicle and traffic law, the public authorities law, the public housing law, the public health law, the general munici- pal law, the second class cities law, the local finance law, the munici- pal home rule law, the general city law, the town law, the county law, the military law, the village law, the education law, the mental hygiene law, the Indian law, the retirement and social security law, the insur- ance law, the not-for-profit corporation law, the tax law, the general business law, the social services law, the penal law, the transportation corporations law, the multiple residence law, the correction law, the criminal procedure law, the real property tax law, the racing, pail-mu- tual wagering and breeding law, the uniform justice court act, the New York city criminal court act, the administrative code of the city of New York, and the volunteer firefighters' benefit law, in relation to replacing all instances of the words or variations of the words fireman or policeman with the words firefighter or police officer or variation thereof.   DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ORIGINAL AND AMENDED VERSION (IF APPLICABLE): Makes technical changes.   JUSTIFICATION: Use of gendered language in reference to police officers and firefight- ers is antiquated and inaccurate. It also promotes an outdated worldview that may suggest to some that the professions of law enforcement and firefighting are available exclusively; to men or that there is some- thing unusual about the participation of women. The New York City Police Department (NYPD) has employed women as police officers since the early nineteen hundreds. Originally designated as the Policewomen Bureau, the Police Department removed the distinction in 1973 and implemented the first gender-neutral civil service exam for police officers. The first female promoted to Deputy Chief occurred in 1978. To this day, women serve as some of the highest ranking officers of the Department, includ- ing Deputy Commissioners and Bureau Chiefs. The New York City Fire Department (FDNY) has made similar strides. The New York City Fire Department has accepted female firefighters since 1982. The use of Willis such as "firemen" and other male pronouns in state law denies the legacy of those trailblazing female firefighters and minimalizes the work of female firefighters in the decades since and at present day. Under the current FDNY administration, the Department has placed a priority upon increasing diversity though targeted recruitment of women. The number of female firefighters and officers in the department is steadily on the rise, and through the Department's commitment and efforts, we expect that trend to continue. However, the goal of diver- sification is not simply boosting the number of female firefighters, but broad inclusion of women in every aspect of the department. The New York City Fire Department recognizes the importance of terms and titles and has for decades used the term "firefighter" in official verbal and writ- ten communications. It is appropriate that the same level of respect and acknowledgment be given in the laws that govern the community that female firefighters and police officers risk their lives to protect. By stamping out anachronistic gender-specific language, professions that were once seen as nontraditional for women are more likely to appeal to all people, regardless of gender.   PRIOR LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: None.   EFFECTIVE DATE: Immediately.
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