A10586 Summary:

Directs a study and report on the testing and operation of autonomous vehicles on public highways and directs the commissioner of the department of transportation to take action to support such testing and operation.
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A10586 Actions:

06/07/2016referred to transportation
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A10586 Memo:

submitted in accordance with Assembly Rule III, Sec 1(f)
BILL NUMBER: A10586        REVISED MEMO 09/20/16
SPONSOR: Rules (Rodriguez)
  TITLE OF BILL: An act to direct a study and report on the testing and operation of autonomous vehicles on public highways   PURPOSE: This bill would require the Department of Transportation to study and report on the operation of autonomous vehicles by January 1, 2019, to explore various strategies for implementing and regulating autonomous vehicles.   SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS: Section 1- Establishes a road usage charge advisory committee. Section 2- Requires a report on findings and for government agencies to amend laws to undertake steps to support the testing and operation of autonomous vehicle technology. Section 3- Effective Date.   JUSTIFICATION: Experts predict that autonomous vehicles will be on the roads in five to ten years. If implemented correctly, this technology can transform our lives for the better. The cost of travel could be cut as much as eighty percent. Since human error accounts for ninety percent of traffic acci- dents, driverless cars are expected to sharply reduce crashes. Drivers' commutes will transform from another chore to newfound free time. The research and development of autonomous technology has the potential to spur economic development and job creation. But without responsible policies these improvements may not be realized. The new found ease of driving could increase vehicle miles traveled in the United States from three trillion to five trillion by 2050. This spike could cause unprecedented congestion and pollution. Increased reliance on vehicles could create unmitigated sprawl. And uninformed policy changes can compound this damage. Some states have even inadvert- ently hampered progress by enacting legislation out of touch with the industry. Although a few states have successfully developed policies that allow for testing and prepare for widespread driverless car use, many experts in the field do not believe the policies are keeping pace with technology. Clearly forward thinking policy changes grounded in research are needed to ensure a successful rollout of autonomous vehi- cles. This bill begins this process in two ways. First, it requires the department of transportation and Department of Motor Vehicles to inven- tory and update current driving regulations to support implementation of autonomous cars. This audit will modernize existing laws that could be harmful to self-driving vehicles, such as our requirement that drivers have at least one hand on the wheel at all times. Second, the bill authorizes a study to begin answering key questions about technology implementation. New York has the opportunity to greatly improve trans- portation safety and efficiency by preparing for the impending future.   LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: None   FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: TBD   EFFECTIVE DATE: This act shall take effect immediately
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A10586 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      June 7, 2016
        Introduced  by  COMMITTEE ON RULES -- (at request of M. of A. Rodriguez)
          -- read once and referred to the Committee on Transportation
        AN ACT to direct a study and report on  the  testing  and  operation  of
          autonomous vehicles on public highways
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Autonomous vehicle committee. (a) There is  hereby  created
     2  the  autonomous  vehicle committee which shall guide the enactment of an
     3  autonomous vehicle study to assess  the  future  of  autonomous  vehicle
     4  technology.  For purposes of this act, "autonomous vehicle" shall mean a
     5  motor vehicle that has the capability to drive the vehicle  without  the
     6  active control or monitoring of a human operator.
     7    (b)  The  autonomous vehicle committee shall consist of at least eight
     8  members:
     9    (1) The executive deputy commissioner of the department of motor vehi-
    10  cles, or his or her designee, who shall serve as chair;
    11    (2) A representative of the autonomous vehicle industry who  shall  be
    12  appointed by the temporary president of the senate;
    13    (3)  A representative of highway user groups who shall be appointed by
    14  the governor;
    15    (4) A representative of regional transportation agencies who shall  be
    16  appointed by the speaker of the assembly;
    17    (5)  The chair of the assembly transportation committee, or his or her
    18  designee;
    19    (6) The chair of the senate transportation committee, or  his  or  her
    20  designee;
    21    (7)  A representative of the civic community who shall be appointed by
    22  the governor;
    23    (8) A representative of transit advocates who shall  be  appointed  by
    24  the governor; and
    25    (9) Any other stakeholders identified by the department of motor vehi-
    26  cles.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 10586                            2

     1    (c)  The  autonomous  vehicle committee shall study how to support the
     2  testing and operation of autonomous  vehicles  on  public  highways.  It
     3  shall take all of the following into consideration:
     4    (1)  The measures necessary to successfully implement autonomous vehi-
     5  cles, including any legislative changes.
     6    (2) Difficulties and liabilities that could arise by  allowing  auton-
     7  omous vehicles on public highways.
     8    (3)  How autonomous vehicle technology can promote research and devel-
     9  opment in this state.
    10    (4) Any other issue the committee deems relevant.
    11    § 2. Report. (a) On or before January 1,  2019,  the  committee  shall
    12  report its findings and recommendations to the governor and the legisla-
    13  ture.  Such  report  shall  include recommendations and such legislative
    14  proposals as shall be deemed necessary.
    15    (b) Prior to the completion of such report, the  commissioner  of  the
    16  department  of  transportation  and the executive deputy commissioner of
    17  the department of motor vehicles are authorized  and  directed  to  take
    18  such  actions  as  are necessary to support the testing and operation of
    19  autonomous vehicles on public highways.
    20    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.
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