Brabenec, Assembly Minority Confront Student Loan Debt

Following a press conference held by members of the Assembly Minority Conference in Albany today, Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) is calling for common-sense legislation aimed at relieving thousands of New Yorkers’ student loan debt and reducing the burden on prospective and current college students. The package of bills includes measures to allow high school students to obtain college credits early, make the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) available for graduate students, and create a loan payment tax deduction.

“Education is truly the vehicle of opportunity,” Brabenec said. “An investment in our students is an investment in our future. It is disgraceful that a potential President of the United States or doctor who could cure cancer may never have the opportunity for a higher education because of the rising costs of college, and the New York City-led Assembly Majority’s unwillingness to address that is a sad reflection on us all.

Less college debt means more economic freedom for our middle-class families and a larger number of residents being able to attend college instead of working low-paying jobs or turning to a life of crime. I hope the New York City-led Assembly Majority stands with us for our students’ future.”