Blankenbush Supports Increased Oversight Measures

A Legislative Column from Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River)

As the number of days left in this year’s legislative session grows smaller, the issue of procurement reform still looms large. If the Legislature is to earn back the trust of its constituents, there must be changes made in how the state handles the millions of dollars it is entrusted to use wisely by the taxpayers. As of yet, we have seen no effort by the Assembly Majority to change their ways and prove they are working on increasing transparency and accountability. This lack of initiative by their side of the aisle is disheartening, and frankly, frustrating.

Earlier this week, my colleagues in the Assembly Minority once again introduced a package of reforms aimed at increasing the transparency of the state’s economic development and lump sum distribution process. When dealing with the vast amount of taxpayer dollars the Legislature is given over the course of the year, it is vital the residents of this state can trust that these funds are being used appropriately and successfully.

Assembly Bill 5657-A was drafted with the hard-working taxpayers of New York state in mind. Its goal is to add an additional layer of oversight to the lump sum allocation process and protect the taxpayer from any misuse of millions of their tax dollars. This bill would create a committee which would be responsible for reviewing the awarding of any lump sums of money by the Legislature to ensure no conflicts of interest are present, and to keep track of how much money is going where.

This bill would also grant the state comptroller the ability to form a team with the commissioners of the departments of Economic Development and Taxation and Finance to conduct an audit of all state economic development programs. By reviewing the successes or failures of specific programs across the state, we will be able to hold those who are not living up to expectations accountable and proceed accordingly.

There is a tremendous amount of waste that occurs in this state, which is why I cosponsor this legislation. The residents of New York work far too hard for their money for it to be recklessly thrown away through misguided policy or political favors. We must bring to light the waste and carelessness that goes on in the Legislature and hold those who abuse their positions of power accountable.

I want to know what you think about this or any other legislative matter. Please contact me by emailing or by calling my office at 315-493-3909