Press Releases

DiPietro Condemns Gov. Cuomo For Excluding Vets From Budget

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) has long sponsored legislation to allow all veterans to be able to buy back three years of time in the state’s pension system. Currently, this is a privilege extended to specific veterans and unavailable...

DiPietro Seeks To Empower All Members Of Assembly

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) is a sponsor of the “Spirit of ’76” bill, A.8658, which would allow any bill with 76 sponsors or more to be moved immediately to the floor for a debate and vote by the full Assembly. Seventy-six sponsors...

DiPietro: Small Businesses Can’t Withstand $15/Hour

“Of all of the proposals in the governor’s speech, the $15 minimum wage is the one that would cause the most damage. As a small-business owner myself, I can safely report that there is no secret stash of money we’re withholding from our employees....

Legislative Priorities For 2016

As we begin another legislative year, I wanted to make our community aware of my priorities as I head back to Albany. We have many issues to conquer for the betterment of Western New York and the state as a whole, including the habitual corruption that...

DiPietro And Colleagues See Ethics Reform Measures Defeated By Majority

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Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) took part in an ethics reform press conference preceding session today. DiPietro, along with his colleagues in the Assembly Minority Conference, sponsored 17 ethics reform resolutions in the chamber today,...

Media Advisory

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) will host two informational forums regarding the Common Core curriculum and legislation designed to cease implementation of the program and roll back the changes made by its high-stakes testing model. “Our...

Statement From David DiPietro New York State Assembly, District 147

"When Sheldon Silver was convicted on all counts of bribery and extortion today, the New York State Assembly Majority Conference was all but indicted for corruption. Thirty of Silver's loyal co-conspirators stood in front of TV cameras to support their...

DiPietro Slams Cuomo and Poloncarz on Refugees

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) today rebuked New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz for moving full steam ahead on the controversial resettlement of refugees in Western New York. “Syria is a hotbed of Islamic...

New York’s Unsurprising Integrity Grade

It should come as a shock to few New Yorkers that when graded on state integrity by the Center for Public Integrity our state received a D-. In fact, most residents would be shocked we didn’t outright fail. We had an incredible opportunity this year...

DiPietro Named to Farm Bureau Circle of Friends

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) has been named to the New York Farm Bureau “Circle of Friends,” an honor he has received each year since taking office. The award is presented “based upon each legislator’s voting record on issues of...

Cuomo Turns Back on Veterans Again

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C – East Aurora) slammed Gov. Cuomo’s decision to veto a pension buyback system for veterans for the second consecutive year. The bill (A.8174/S.5937) passed both chambers of the state legislature with very little debate...

Assemblyman DiPietro Helps Honor WWII Vet

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Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) joined Congressman Chris Collins at the East Aurora American Legion to award Marine Corps Veteran Donald E. Schmidle medals he earned on behalf of our nation during World War II. The Congressman awarded the...

DiPietro: Why Is It Taking the Governor So Long to Sign Women’s Equality Bills?

Seven overwhelmingly-passed women’s equality bills are collecting dust on Gov. Cuomo’s desk while he waits for the perfect photo-op, and that’s disgusting. Some of these bills don’t go into full effect for 90 days, pushing their start date into...

DiPietro Honors DOT Engineer Dan Bierut for Exceptional Work

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Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) awarded a Citation to DOT Engineer Dan Bierut for creating a line of sight at the intersection of Route 39 and Van Slyke Road. The Van Slyke/Route 39 intersection has been the site of many accidents over the...

Assemblyman DiPietro to Receive Thomas Paine Award from SCOPE

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) will receive the Thomas Paine Award from the Shooters Committee on Political Education (SCOPE) for his excellence in defending the Second Amendment to the Constitution. “This is an incredible honor,”...

DiPietro Hosts Education Leaders to Discuss Common Core, APPR

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Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) held a breakfast meeting with superintendents, Board of Education members and teaching staff members from across his district to seek better answers about reforming the state’s education system. “Meeting...

DiPietro: Gov’s Common Core Panel A Farce

“This governor has put together a biased panel that helped put New York in the mess it’s currently in. If there was any seriousness to reforming the Common Core curriculum, there wouldn’t be conversations about just changing the name and moving...

DiPietro to Host Breakfast with Superintendents to Discuss Common Core, APPR

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R, C-East Aurora) is hosting a breakfast roundtable this week with superintendents from throughout his district to discuss the Common Core curriculum and the APPR teacher evaluations. “I believe we are going to have...

DiPietro: Changing Common Core’s Name Won’t Fix It

Amid reports of a potential name change to the Common Core curriculum, Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) is pointing out that the standards don’t face a branding issue, they face a credibility issue. “Parents didn’t opt their children...

DiPietro Signs Letter Urging Gov. To Continue Iranian Sanctions

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) has signed on to a bipartisan letter urging Gov. Cuomo to continue state-level sanctions against Iran, like the New York Iran Divestment Act of 2012, regardless of the executive agreement entered into by the...