Assemblyman Stirpe: $500 million Award Paves the Way for a Promising Future in Central New York

Governor Cuomo recently announced that Central New York is one of three regions to receive $500 million through the Upstate Revitalization Initiative. As the largest investment of state aid our region has ever seen, this represents an unprecedented opportunity for our economic future.1

In preparation for this competitive award, the Central New York Regional Economic Development Council (REDC) laid out a robust economic plan that included major investments in new, innovative industries aimed at creating jobs and growing businesses in our region.

An important highlight of the plan concerns the field of unmanned aerial systems (UAS), commonly known as drones. Central New York is already a leader in radar technology, a critical aspect of efforts to commercialize and expand the use of drones. With this funding, Central New York is poised to be a leader in the development and safe integration of UAS into national airspace. It is estimated that across the nation this industry will create 103,776 new jobs and generate nearly $100 billion in new economic activity by 2025.2 We want many of those good-paying jobs to be right here. In addition, the regional council predicts $750 million in private sector investment will follow the state investment over the next five years as a result of the growth of the UAS industry.3

The creation of an inland port is another highlight of the REDC’s plan for our region. And while we continue to discuss the best location for the port, many local leaders agree that an inland port will create a more efficient connection between Central New York and the Port of New York and New Jersey, while at the same time increasing job opportunities for our families in the transportation, manufacturing and agricultural sectors. The inland port will also give local businesses a boost by allowing them to participate more fully in the global marketplace.

Further, the regional plan includes investments to increase local food production, consolidate and modernize government, support veterans and increase economic opportunity for thousands of low-income Central New Yorkers. The impact of these initiatives will be felt throughout our region in both urban and rural areas.

This $500 million investment comes at a time when families and businesses are still struggling to recover from our national recession. This is exactly the boost we need to realize a bright future for Central New York. This is a great opportunity for our community, and now it’s up to us to come together to make this plan and all its promise a reality. I look forward to seeing the positive impact these projects will have on our families, businesses and communities.

If you have questions or concerns about this or any other community issue, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me by calling 452-1115 or emailing me at




3. Ibid.