Ra Hosts BBQ for Veterans

Recently, over 75 area veterans attended Assemblyman Ed Ra’s Annual Veterans BBQ at VFW Post 2718 in Franklin Square. Representatives from Nassau County Veterans’ Service Agency, Northport VA and the Nassau County Clerk’s Office were on hand to answer questions and counsel veterans on how best to secure needed services and enroll in helpful programming.

“This event is about celebrating service. It’s about celebrating commitment, and thanking these fine men and women for all of the sacrifices they made for this country,” said Ra.

Local boy scouts helped make the event a success. Area residents presented VFW Post 2718 with a fitting, remarkable gift- an American flag that flew over Normandy.

“When you’re surrounded by a room full of people who live the values we all cherish, it’s really easy to feel good about our community. It was a great event,” said Ra.

Ra offered special thanks to the Coral House, VFW Post 2718, Boy Scout Troop 93 and Red Mango of Franklin Square.