Ra Calls for the Replacement of JCOPE with Truly Independent Ethics Body

A statement by Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square)

The Albany Times Union’s bombshell report detailing allegations that a JCOPE member leaked sensitive information about the panel’s closed-door meetings to the governor is extremely credible, deeply troubling and not remotely surprising. For years, we’ve known that the governor has far too much influence over JCOPE, creating anything but an independent ethics watchdog.

“That’s one of the reasons why our conference has unanimously backed Leader Kolb’s Public Officer’s Accountability Act for years. One of its provisions would replace JCOPE with a truly independent investigative body to root out corruption in state government. No one is above the law. No ethics board that answers directly to the governor is an ethics board worth having. If people didn’t learn that from the Moreland Commission, maybe they’ll believe it after they read the Times Union’s reporting.