Ra Backs Local Law Enforcement, Prosecutors across State Speaking out Against Majority politicians’ Dangerous Criminal Justice Overhaul

A statement by Assemblyman Ed Ra (R,C,I-Franklin Square)

“I’m proud to stand with law enforcement officials and prosecutors across the state today who are sounding the alarm on the Majority politicians’ dangerous criminal justice overhaul. We count on these men and women to protect us. Their jobs are bigger than politics. The difference between success and failure for them is stark- fairness or injustice, life and death. When they tell us that politics is going to prevent them from doing their job, we need to take that very seriously.

“These public servants are saying what our Conference has been saying, and what people of conscience have known, for months- automatically releasing cartel lieutenants, pedophiles, domestic abusers and terrorists immediately after their arrests is wrong. It’s an insult to crime victims. It compromises public safety,” said Ra.