Ra Begins Tenure as Ranking Minority Member of the Ways And Means Committee with a Budget Win for Local Governments in Nassau County

A statement by Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square)

Last year, Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) warned his colleagues that the changes the administration was pushing to the distribution of Aid and Incentives for Municipalities (AIM) funding could lead to serious cash flow issues for municipalities on Long Island.

Unfortunately, he was right. Due to an oversight in the bill drafting process, towns and villages on Long Island were threatened by a loss of over $11 million. Ra worked with local leaders to help restore the aid.

Ra also drafted legislation to prevent the problem from happening again. His solution appears in the text of the governor’s Executive Budget Proposal.

“This is a win for local governments and local property taxpayers. I’m glad the governor addressed this in his Executive Budget. I’m thankful for my partners in local government in Nassau County who were instrumental in getting the word out and keeping the pressure on,” said Ra.

“AIM funding is so important. We know that property taxpayers on Long Island have a heavy lift. They deserve reliable service delivery. They deserve safe neighborhoods and updated infrastructure. That’s what this funding is all about,” said Ra.

Ra is optimistic that lawmakers in both parties and in both houses will support the changes and ensure that they’re included in the final state budget accord.