Thiele: Assembly to Make “Digital Leap” With Passage of New Rules

“In 2014, New York State voters launched the Assembly into the digital age by amending the state constitution to allow paperless tracking of legislation. This means that instead of placing physical copies of bills on legislators’ desks while they ‘age’ for the required three days – giving Assemblymembers and the public a chance to review them before a vote – legislators can now read the measures electronically on tablets. On Wednesday January 6th, the Assembly adopted rules fully implementing the digital system (E.830).

“Not only will this change upgrade the technology of the Assembly – making government more efficient – it will be much more environmentally friendly, eliminating the need for the enormous amounts of paper that are printed each legislative session. This change will also save taxpayers millions of dollars in paper and printing costs. The Assembly Majority will continue looking for ways to ensure government operates as effectively as possible.”