Thiele: Help Reduce Water Demand During Peak Summer Months

Adopt Odd/Even Watering Days

Every spring and summer, particularly on the East End, the arrival of warmer temperatures leads to a significant increase in water use. The greater water use, especially by automatic sprinkler systems, leads to a tremendous demand on our water system and reduces water pressure throughout the distribution system, affecting everything from your morning shower to fire protection.

To help remedy this situation and to help conserve our most vital natural resources, please join in a voluntary campaign led by Suffolk County Water Authority to promote odd/even watering days. If your house number is an odd number, water on odd days. If your house number is an even number, water on even days. Most automatic irrigation systems have a switch to select an odd/even watering routine.

You can also join Suffolk County Water Authority’s East End Water Wise Club, which will make you eligible to receive an account credit on your water bill of up to $50 per customer for purchasing low-flow showerheads, faucets and/or a rain sensor for you lawn watering system. To learn more about the club or to sign up please go to or call SCWA at 631.292.6100.