Lemondes Commemorates Harriet Tubman Day

Assemblyman John Lemondes (R,C-LaFayette) recently spoke on the importance of Harriet Tubman Day. Harriet Tubman was an abolitionist and activist who played a critical role in freeing slaves through the use of the Underground Railroad. After escaping slavery herself, Tubman made 13 missions to rescue enslaved individuals bringing approximately 70 people to freedom. She also played an important role in the Civil War where she served as a scout and spy for the Union Army. Tubman was also vocal in the movement for women’s suffrage. Tubman would later settle in Central New York where she passed away in her early nineties. She is buried at Fort Hill Cemetery in Auburn. Lemondes is proud to recognize the impact Harriet Tubman had on our nation and the fight for equal rights throughout our history.

“Harriet Tubman played a crucial role, not only in the history of Central New York but of our nation as a whole,” said Lemondes. “Her efforts as one of the pioneers of the Underground Railroad helped turn the tide in the fight for abolition and gave hope to those fighting for equality. Her legacy is truly inspiring as a woman who did what she knew was right even when the odds were stacked against her. Even today, more than 100 years after her death, we can still learn from her example as we continue to work to make our country and our state a better place to live for all.”