Unfunded Mandates: Albany’s Cowardly Way To Raise Your Taxes

A Legislative Column from Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River)

Unfunded mandates are a prime example of the overreach and carelessness being carried out by our governor and the Assembly Majority. For those who are unfamiliar with the concept of unfunded mandates, they are state-ordered programs placed on local communities and their schools without any funding from the state. These mandates are not only overbearing, they also force the local taxpayers to foot the bill. Because of the burden unfunded mandates place on middle-class families, I co-sponsor Assembly Bill 2338A.

This bill would see that any state-imposed programs on municipalities and school districts are fully funded by the state. State-mandated programs put local municipalities in a compromising position, and task them with funding programs they rarely have control over. In turn, municipalities must impose higher taxes on the residents of the community.

This is absolutely unacceptable. We don’t need people who have never been to our community telling us what is best for us. The decision on which programs to have and which should take priority must be determined by the people paying for them. I am not opposed to the state mandating certain programs, but if the state declares that a certain program is a necessity, it should pay for it. The middle-class families of this state work too hard for their money to have it be taken out of their pockets and recklessly thrown at some New York City politician’s over-adventurous idea.

Assembly Bill 2338A passed the Senate last year but was ignored on by the Assembly Majority. Already this year, we have seen the Assembly send this important legislation back to the Senate without a vote. This is unacceptable. My Assembly Minority colleagues and I will continue to fight for what we feel is right, and serves the best interest of New Yorkers.

I welcome your thoughts on unfunded mandates in our state or any other legislative matter. Please contact me by emailing blankenbushk@assembly.state.ny.us or calling my office at 493-3909.