Walsh, Legislative Colleagues Call on Majority Conferences to Take Action

Today, Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) stood with members of the Assembly and Senate Minority Conferences to demand Gov. Cuomo’s emergency powers be removed immediately.

Walsh, along with Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay and Assembly Minority Leader Pro Tempore Andy Goodell, delivered comments on behalf of the members of their conference and the several thousand New Yorkers that they represent.

“For months my office has received countless phone calls, emails and social media messages demanding action to suspend the governor’s unchecked executive authority. While the ability for quick decision-making may have been necessary at the onset of COVID-19, there is no doubt that many New Yorkers, including myself, believe that these powers must come to an end,” said Walsh.

“From a scathing report from the state attorney general to a federal investigation, and constant spin and deflection coming from within the governor’s administration, how could we in good conscience not intervene? My colleagues and I have been calling for the removal of these emergency powers for months, and now we call upon the majorities in both houses to take the necessary actions to ensure that happens.”

You can view the joint press conference here.