Assembly Announces Passage of Legislation That Removes Lifetime Ban on Jury Duty for Individuals with Felony Convictions

Speaker Carl Heastie and Assemblymember Jeffrion Aubry today announced the Assembly passed legislation to remove the lifetime ban on jury duty for those convicted of a felony (A1432, Aubry).

“The Assembly Majority remains committed to building a justice system focused on rehabilitation and reintegration,” said Speaker Heastie. “This legislation takes the much-needed step in removing a lifetime ban from jury duty, allowing people with past felony convictions to fully regain their civic responsibilities and rejoin society.”

“New York will be among the many states that allow a person who completed their time in prison for committing a felony to serve on a jury with the passage of the Jury of Our Peers bill in both the Assembly and Senate,” said Assemblymember Aubry. “Formerly incarcerated individuals should be offered the opportunity to fully engage in society and to bring their life experiences to a jury pool that truly encompasses a representation of our peers. I want to thank everyone who advocated for this legislation.”

This bill will remove the lifetime ban on jury duty for individuals with felony convictions only after completion of their sentence including any term of probation or community supervision.