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A05874 Summary:

Add Art 6 §§601 - 603, Ins L; add §99-ss, St Fin L
Establishes the strengthen homes program to promote the strengthening of homes in order to protect against severe weather through remodeling grants and insurance discounts.
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A05874 Memo:

submitted in accordance with Assembly Rule III, Sec 1(f)
  TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the insurance law and the state finance law, in relation to establishing the strengthen homes program   PURPOSE: To establish the strengthened homes program in the state of New York.   SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS: Section 1: Amends the insurance law by adding a new article 6 to estab- lish the Strengthen Homes Program to protect against severe weather. The DFS Superintendent will administer the program and make financial grants available to retrofit roofs of insurable property. Roofs would be retrofitted to resist loss due to hurricanes, tornados or other catastrophic wind events. The superintendent will promulgate rules governing eligibility require- ments for grants. Applicants will be accepted on a first come, first served basis by income tiers established by the superintendent with priority given to lower income applicants in areas more susceptible to catastrophic wind events. Grantees shall obtain permits and pay for required inspections. Additionally, the superintendent shall put forth efforts to obtain funding from federal sources or other sources to supplement appropriations made by the legislature. Implementation is subject to the receipt of grants or funds and eligible contractors will be subject to program requirements. Homes with completed retrofits will be eligible for insurance premium discounts or other rate reduction in accordance with DFS promulgated rules. Section 2: Amends the state finance law by adding a new section 99-ss to establish the Strengthen Homes Program Fund under the joint custody of the Comptroller and the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance. Section 3: Establishes effective date.   EXISTING LAW: None   JUSTIFICATION: Massive regional devastation is occurring with increasing frequency within certain areas of the United States and in many regions throughout the world. While communities grapple with the impact, a consensus is beginning to emerge that we must change our approach to insurance poli- cy. Traditionally, insurance prices in risk based on a myriad of factors, including the loss history in the area where the policy is being written. As the impacts of climate change become more acute, however, risks are becoming harder to assess and pricing in the actual anticipated risk after it is better established is becoming astronom- ically expensive. In addition to pricing increased risk, insurers now must incentivize mitigation and resilience. First adopted in Alabama, the Strengthened Homes Program incentivizes the construction of disaster resistant retrofits that mitigate loss. The program encourages qualifying homeowners to contract with qualified contractors to install retrofits made to disaster resistant specifica- tions. A participating qualified homeowner will receive a grant. After the retrofit is installed, the homeowner will then qualify for insurance discounts. This legislation was adopted as a model bill at the National Council of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL) and is a beneficial policy for any state with disaster risk.   LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: None   FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: To be determined.   LOCAL FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None   EFFECTIVE DATE: This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after it shall become a law. Effective immediately, the addition, amendment and slash or repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for the implementa- tion of this act on its effective date are authorized to be made and completed on or before such effective date.
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