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K00058 Summary:

MLTSPNSRAngelino, Blankenbush, Blumencranz, Braunstein, Carroll P, Chang, Clark, Cruz, DeStefano, Dilan, Epstein, Fall, Gallahan, Gonzalez-Rojas, Griffin, Hevesi, Jones, Kay, Lavine, Lee, Lunsford, Lupardo, Mamdani, Manktelow, McDonald, McMahon, Morinello, Raga, Rajkumar, Reyes, Rivera, Rosenthal, Rozic, Santabarbara, Sayegh, Seawright, Shrestha, Simon, Simone, Stern, Taylor, Weprin
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K00058 Text:

Assembly Resolution No. 58
BY: M. of A. Kim
        COMMEMORATING   the   Asian  American  community's
        celebration of the Lunar New Year, the Year  of  the
        Snake, on January 29, 2025
  WHEREAS,  It  is  the custom of this Legislative Body to honor, with
pleasure and great pride, the Asian American community of the  State  of
New York upon the occasion of the celebration of the Lunar New Year; and
  WHEREAS,  The  Lunar  New  Year is a festival of great importance in
Asian American communities across America and in many  countries  around
the  world;  the  celebration  of  the  Lunar New Year is fundamental to
numerous cultures and promotes goodwill and  self-reflection;  it  is  a
joyous  occasion welcomed annually with distinctive festivities and much
preparation; the celebration of the Lunar New Year  is  a  tradition  by
which  Asian  Americans  proclaim  the  arrival  of  a new year and look
forward to what it will bring; and
  WHEREAS, According to legend, Buddha  invited  the  animals  of  the
world  to  visit him, rewarding those who came by naming a year in their
honor; each animal, in turn, gave  its  characteristics  to  those  born
during its year; and
  WHEREAS,  On January 29, 2025, in accordance with their calendar and
beliefs, Asian Americans will joyously usher in the Year of  the  Snake;
  WHEREAS,  People  born  in  the  Year  of  the Snake are known to be
amiable, intelligent, adaptable, and calm; and
  WHEREAS, Those born under the sign  of  the  Snake  are  thoughtful,
steadfast, and often reserved; and
  WHEREAS,  Linked  by  an  enduring connection to mystery and enigma,
those born under the sign of the Snake are  intuitive,  independent  and
wise, and persistent in pursuit of their goals; and
  WHEREAS,  The  distinguished values of Asian cultures and their many
contributions in business and the economy as well as  in  the  arts  and
sciences  have  left  substantial  impacts  on our global community; the
contributions of Asian Americans are particularly esteemed  within  this
great  Empire State and are acknowledged for their outstanding merit and
value; and
  WHEREAS, Recognizing the significance of their contributions to  the
City  and State of New York, this Legislative Body is proud to honor all
New Yorkers of Asian ancestry, joining with them in welcoming  the  Year
of the Snake, on January 29, 2025; now, therefore, be it
  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commemorate the Asian American community's celebration of the Lunar  New
Year, the Year of the Snake, on January 29, 2025; and be it further
  RESOLVED,  That  copies  of  this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to distinguished members of the Asian American community.
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