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A02681 Summary:

Add Art 33-C §1580, Tax L
Requires residents to maintain minimum essential coverage health insurance in the state of New York or pay a tax for failing to do so; provides that such funds be used for the NY State of Health marketplace.
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A02681 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    January 22, 2025
        Introduced  by M. of A. BORES -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Ways and Means
        AN ACT to amend the tax law, in relation to requiring  persons  maintain
          minimum essential coverage
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. This act shall be known and may be  cited  as  the  "health
     2  PACT (personal accountability for care and treatment) act".
     3    §  2.  The  tax law is amended by adding a new article 33-C to read as
     4  follows:
     5                                ARTICLE 33-C
     6                          SHARED RESPONSIBILITY TAX
     7  Section 1580. Shared responsibility tax.
     8    § 1580. Shared responsibility tax. 1. Definitions. For the purposes of
     9  this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
    10    (a) "Applicable individual" shall have the same meaning as defined  in
    11  section 5000A(d) of the Internal Revenue Service Code of 1986.
    12    (b)  "Minimum  essential  coverage"  shall  have  the  same meaning as
    13  defined in section 5000A(f) of the  Internal  Revenue  Service  Code  of
    14  1986.
    15    2.  Requirement to maintain minimum essential coverage. Every applica-
    16  ble individual shall maintain minimum essential coverage for each  month
    17  beginning after December thirty-first, two thousand twenty-four.
    18    3.  Shared responsibility payment penalty imposed for failing to main-
    19  tain minimum essential coverage. As of January first, two thousand twen-
    20  ty-six, every applicable individual required to file a  personal  income
    21  tax  return  pursuant  to section six hundred one of this chapter, shall
    22  indicate on the return, in a manner to be prescribed by the  commission-
    23  er, whether and for what period of time during the relevant tax year the
    24  individual  and such individual's spouse and dependents who are applica-
    25  ble individuals were covered by minimum essential coverage. If a  return
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 2681                             2
     1  submitted  pursuant  to this subdivision fails to indicate that coverage
     2  was in force or indicates that any applicable individuals did  not  have
     3  coverage  in force, a shared responsibility payment penalty shall hereby
     4  be assessed as a tax on the return.
     5    4.  Shared  responsibility  payment  penalty  calculation.  Except  as
     6  provided in subdivision five of this section, the shared  responsibility
     7  payment  penalty imposed in any taxable year shall be equal to a taxpay-
     8  er's federal shared responsibility payment for the taxable year  of  two
     9  thousand  fifteen  under  section  5000A of the Internal Revenue Code of
    10  1986.
    11    5. Exceptions. (a) Penalty cap. The amount of the shared  responsibil-
    12  ity  payment  penalty imposed under this section shall be determined, if
    13  applicable, using the statewide average premium for  bronze-level  plans
    14  offered through the NY State of Health health benefits exchange.
    15    (b)  Hardship  exemption determinations. Determinations as to hardship
    16  exemptions pursuant to section two hundred sixty-eight-e of  the  public
    17  health law.
    18    (c)  Religious  conscience exemption determinations. Determinations as
    19  to religious conscience  exemptions  pursuant  to  section  two  hundred
    20  sixty-eight-e of the public health law.
    21    (d)  Taxpayers  with  gross  income  below  state filing threshold. No
    22  penalty shall be imposed under this section with respect to any applica-
    23  ble individual for any month during a calendar year  if  the  taxpayer's
    24  household  income for the taxable year in accordance with the provisions
    25  of the patient protection and affordable  care  act  is  less  than  the
    26  amount  of gross income requiring the taxpayer to file a return pursuant
    27  to section six hundred one of this chapter.
    28    (e) Out-of-state residents.  No  penalty  shall  be  imposed  by  this
    29  section  with  respect to any applicable individual for any month during
    30  which the individual is a bona fide resident of another state.
    31    6. Account fund. The commissioner is authorized to withhold  from  any
    32  state  tax  refund due to the taxpayer an amount equal to the calculated
    33  shared responsibility payment penalty and shall place  such  amounts  in
    34  the  account  of  the  NY  State  of Health fund established pursuant to
    35  section two hundred sixty-eight-g of the public health law.
    36    7. Deficiency. If,  upon  examination  of  a  taxpayer's  return,  the
    37  commissioner  determines there is a deficiency because any refund due to
    38  the taxpayer is insufficient to satisfy the shared responsibility penal-
    39  ty or because there was no refund due, the tax administrator may  notify
    40  the  taxpayer  of  the deficiency and interest shall accrue on the defi-
    41  ciency.  All monies collected on the deficiency shall be placed  in  the
    42  account  of  the NY State of Health fund established pursuant to section
    43  two hundred sixty-eight-g of the public health law.
    44    8. Application of  federal  law.  The  shared  responsibility  payment
    45  penalty  shall  be  assessed  and collected as set forth in this chapter
    46  and, to the extent applicable, consistent with  regulations  promulgated
    47  by  the  federal government, the exchange, and/or the tax administrator.
    48  Except as otherwise provided in this section, all references to  federal
    49  law  shall  be  construed  as  references to federal law as in effect on
    50  December fifteenth, two thousand seventeen, including  applicable  regu-
    51  lations and administrative guidance that were in effect as of that date.
    52    9. Unavailability of federal premium tax credits. For any taxable year
    53  in which federal premium tax credits available pursuant to section thir-
    54  ty-six-b  of  title twenty-six of the United States code become unavail-
    55  able due to the federal government repealing that section or failing  to

        A. 2681                             3
     1  fund  the premium tax credits, the shared responsibility payment penalty
     2  under this section shall not be enforced.
     3    10. Imposition of federal shared responsibility payment. For any taxa-
     4  ble  year in which a federal penalty under section 5000A of the Internal
     5  Revenue Code of 1986 is imposed on a taxpayer in an amount comparable to
     6  the shared responsibility payment penalty assessed under  this  section,
     7  the state penalty shall not be enforced.
     8    11.  Agency  coordination.  Where  applicable,  the commissioner shall
     9  implement this section in consultation with the commissioner of health.
    10    § 3. This act shall take effect January 1, 2026. Effective  immediate-
    11  ly,  the  addition,  amendment  and/or  repeal of any rule or regulation
    12  necessary for the implementation of this act on its effective  date  are
    13  authorized to be made and completed on or before such effective date.
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