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A06252 Summary:

SAME ASNo same as
COSPNSRJohn, Englebright, Greene, Gianaris, Cahill, Peralta
MLTSPNSRAlfano, Bing, Bradley, Cohen A, Colton, Cusick, Destito, Dinowitz, Gunther A, Jacobs, Koon,Lavelle, Lifton, Magnarelli, Pheffer, Ramos, Tocci
Amd S194, Lab L
Makes provision with respect to the discriminatory practice of compensating employees of different sexes differently for work that is of comparable worth; bars an employer in violation to reduce anyone's rate of compensation; provides that an employee's agreement to accept less compensation shall not bar an enforcement action; also provides three years for compliance plan and protects collective bargaining agreements.
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