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A05242 Summary:
BILL NO | A05242 |
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SAME AS | No Same As |
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SPONSOR | Buttenschon |
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Add Art 12-E §399-u, §415-d, amd §301, V & T L; amd §§69-e, 69-g & 69-i, ren §69-h to be §69-i, add §§69-h & 69-j, Gen Bus L; amd §2336, Ins L | |
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Imposes certain restrictions on catalytic converters; requires all vehicle catalytic converters to be indelibly marked or engraved with a readily observable unique serial number; provides a reduction in premium charges for certain motor vehicle liability, comprehensive and collision insurance rates with respect to automobiles equipped with a catalytic converter which contains such unique marking or engraving. |