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A03311 Summary:

SAME ASNo same as
SPONSOREnglebright (MS)
COSPNSREddington, Lentol, Ortiz, Koon, Klein, Espaillat, Weinstein
MLTSPNSRColton, Cymbrowitz, DiNapoli, Galef, Green, Grodenchik, John, Lavelle, Mayersohn, Millman,Pheffer, Ramos, Titus
Add S265.18, Pen L
Proscribes persons, firms or corporations engaged in the retail business of selling firearms from selling, delivering or transferring child operated firearms; defines "child operated firearm" to mean a pistol or revolver manufactured 1 year after the effective date of these provisions which does not contain a childproofing device or mechanism incorporated into the design of such pistol or revolver to effectively preclude an average 5 year old from firing same; makes violations a class A misdemeanor.
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