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A05938 Summary:

SAME ASNo same as
COSPNSRTokasz, Jacobs, Ortiz, Greene, Stringer, Paulin, Lavelle
MLTSPNSRAubry, Boyland, Brennan, Christensen, Clark, Diaz R, DiNapoli, Dinowitz, Englebright, Espaillat,Galef, Glick, Gordon, Gottfried, Grannis, Hooper, Lentol, Lopez, McEneny, Millman, Pheffer,Pretlow, Seminerio, Sweeney, Tocci, Towns, Weinstein, Weisenberg, Wright
Amd SS1-0303, 8-0109 & 8-0113, En Con L
Makes various provisions regulating the location of environmental facilities to insure equity of treatment for minority communities or economically distressed areas; requires environmental impact statements to state whether the siting of a facility will cause or increase a disproportionate burden on such areas.
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