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A03785 Summary:

Amd §§401, 405 & 2133, Ins L; amd §§165.06, 170.10, 176.05, 176.15 & 170.15, add §175.50, Pen L; add §201-a, amd §§401 & 502, V & T L
Grants the superintendent of financial services authority to investigate fraudulent activities, such as motor vehicle operators who drive with no insurance coverage, and those who misrepresent their principal place of residence or where their motor vehicle is principally garaged and operated; authorizes such superintendent to accept reports of suspected fraudulent insurance actions; requires insurance companies and self-insurers to report incidents of insurance fraud to the department of financial services; includes within the class D felony of forgery in the second degree, the forgery of a certificate of insurance or an insurance identification card; includes within the class C felony of forgery in the first degree, the forgery of 10 or more written instruments; includes within the class E felony of insurance fraud in the fourth degree, the operation of a motor vehicle in this state when the vehicle is insured in another state, but it is actually garaged in this state or the owner principally resides in this state; requires applicants for motor vehicle registrations and driver's licenses to provide the department of motor vehicles with the address of their principal place of residence; relates to the crime of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle; adds other motor vehicle related crimes as predicate crimes which may increase punishment for unauthorized use of a motor vehicle in the second degree when one is convicted of such crimes within the preceding ten years.
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