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A05729 Summary:
BILL NO | A05729 |
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SAME AS | SAME AS S02669 |
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SPONSOR | Cusick |
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COSPNSR | Fitzpatrick, Goodell, Palmesano, Walczyk, Ashby, Buttenschon, Tannousis, Reilly, Mikulin, Morinello |
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MLTSPNSR | McDonough, Ra |
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Add §§120.75 & 120.80, amd §§125.00 & 125.05, Pen L | |
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Provides that either a person or an unborn child in any stage of gestation may be the victim of an assault or homicide; also states situations when it does not constitute an assault on an unborn child such as during the course of an otherwise lawful abortion, during normal medical treatment or by the pregnant woman; defines "person" to include any human being who is born and is alive or an unborn child at any stage of gestation. |