Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the state education, labor, housing and family assistance budget for the 2025-2026 state fiscal year; relates to contracts for excellence; relates to calculation of state aid to school districts; relates to a statewide dual enrollment policy; extends workforce education; relates to maximum class sizes for special education; extends chapter 82 of the laws of 1995; relates to foundation aid; provides for special apportionment for salary expenses; provides for special apportionment for public pension accruals; relates to universal pre-kindergarten and the Statewide universal full-day pre-kindergarten (Part A); relates to the universal prekindergarten program; relates to foundation aid; relates to library materials aid; amends provisions directing the commissioner of education to appoint a monitor for the Rochester city school district, establishing the powers and duties of such monitor and certain other officers and relating to the apportionment of aid to such school district, providing for the expenses of the monitor and to extend the effectiveness thereof; amends provisions authorizing the commissioner of education to appoint a monitor to oversee the Hempstead union free school district and establishing the powers and duties of such monitor, providing for the expenses of the monitor and to extend the effectiveness thereof; amends provisions authorizing the commissioner of education to appoint a monitor to oversee the Wyandanch union free school district and establishing the powers and duties of such monitor, providing for the expenses of the monitor and to extend the effectiveness thereof; amends provisions relating to supplementary funding for dedicated programs for public school students in the East Ramapo central school district, providing for the expenses of the monitor and to extend the effectiveness thereof; authorizes the commissioner of education to appoint a monitor to oversee the Mount Vernon city school district; establishes the powers and duties of such monitor; relates to expanding authorization to provide pupil transportation in child safety zones; relates to to approved expenses from the testing of potable water systems of occupied school buildings; relates to expanding aid for career education; relates to increasing additional apportionment of building aid for certain projects; relates to setting interim tuition rates for certain programs; authorizes certain institutions to retain funds in excess of their allowable and reimbursable costs incurred for certain services and programs; relates to transitional aid for charter school payments; provides for an accelerated payment schedule for New Rochelle city school district; directs the commissioner of education shall conduct a survey regarding the total mental health expenditures of each school district; relates to zero-emission school buses; relates to apportionment for pupil transportation; relates to allowable transportation expenses; relates to allowable expenses for transportation capital, debt service, or leases which are related to costs associated with the purchase of or conversion to zero-emission school buses and supporting infrastructure; relates to operating base aid for certain reorganized school districts; amends provisions authorizing the Roosevelt union free school district to finance deficits by the issuance of serial bonds, providing for an apportionment for salary expenses; amends provisions relating to paperwork reduction; extends the provisions thereof; relates to community school grants; provides for the repeal of certain provisions upon the expiration thereof (Part A-1); establishes a universal school meals program; repeals provisions relating to the community eligibility provision state subsidy (Part B); relates to school policies regarding the use of internet-enabled devices during the school day (Part C); relates to scholarships awarded to part-time students by the New York state higher education services corporation; makes conforming changes; repeals provisions relating to tuition awards for part-time undergraduate students; relates to the New York state part-time scholarship award program (Part D); relates to authorizing the excelsior scholarship cover the cost of tuition in the state university of New York system (Part E); creates a New York opportunity promise scholarship for certain students who matriculated at a NYS public institution of higher education, are over 25 years of age, have applied for certain tuition assistance programs, are eligible for resident tuition rates, and have not already obtained a postsecondary degree (Part F); establishes a fair housing testing, education and networking program (Part G); relates to the liability of a grantee or assignee for deposits made by tenants upon conveyance of rent stabilized dwelling units (Part I); relates to determining when a dwelling is abandoned (Part J); provides a tax exemption for residential real property transferred to a low-income household or community land trust (Part K); provides for reduction of taxes pursuant to shelter rent (Part L); expands the applicability of the residential redevelopment inhibited property exemption to all cities, towns and villages in the state (Part M); utilizes reserves in the mortgage insurance fund for the neighborhood preservation program, the rural preservation program, the rural rental assistance program, and the New York state supportive housing program (Part N); extends certain provisions relating to restructuring financing for residential school placements (Part O); authorizes child care substitute pools which are certified and/or licensed by the office of children and family services to place individuals as substitute caregivers at licensed and registered child care programs (Part P); establishes the baby bucks allowance to provide income to eligible participants for the last three months of pregnancy and the first 18 months of the child's life (Part Q); increases the standards of monthly need for aged, blind and disabled persons living in the community (Part R); relates to the effectiveness of provisions of law relating to the powers and duties of the commissioner of social services relating to the appointment of a temporary operator (Part S); revises the healthy terminals act (Part T); relates to civil penalties for violations of certain wage payment provisions (Part V); increases the civil and criminal penalties for violations of child labor laws (Part W); establishes a database for the employment of minors; allows for registration of minors and employers in such database; digitizes the process for minors to apply for employment (Part X); expands certain payments previously made to parents of deceased service members to spouses and minor children of such service members (Part Y); relates to filing complaints with the division of human rights; establishes a discrimination complaints escrow fund (Part Z); requires submission of an annual report on the New York state museum (Part AA); establishes a real property tax exemption for the primary residence of veterans with a 100 percent service connected disability (Part BB); relates to assisting persons with medically diagnosed HIV infection (Part CC); relates to the standards of monthly need for persons in receipt of public assistance; provides for an increased monthly allowance for persons and families residing in shelters (Part DD); relates to authorizing the payment of costs, up to eighty dollars, of diapers for an eligible child two years of age or younger for children receiving safety net assistance (Part EE); establishes a fiscal cliff task force to conduct a study on fiscal cliffs in the state's public assistance programs and to make recommendations related thereto (Part FF); provides that a caregiver shall be eligible for assistance for child care under the child care block grant regardless of the hours the parent actually works (Part GG); increases the federal poverty level requirement for recipients where it concerns the one-time disregard of earned income following job entry (Part HH); prohibits requiring parents or caretakers to earn a minimum wage to be eligible for child care assistance (Part II); extends the time for the advisory board and commissioner of health to complete certain requirements related to the modernization and revitalization of SUNY Downstate health sciences university and department of health; provides that board hearings are subject to the open meetings law (Part JJ); establishes the New York healthy incentive program (Subpart A); automates SNAP and the New York healthy incentive program (Subpart B); establishes the New York healthy incentive program outreach program (Subpart C)(Part KK); establishes a state SNAP minimum benefit program to provide a minimum amount of supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits that is higher than the amount of federal SNAP benefits (Part LL); establishes the mental health educational opportunity program and the mental health higher educational opportunity program to provide additional educational opportunities for students at certain universities and colleges in the state to enroll in academic programs that lead to a degree or degrees required for licensure in any of the mental health professions (Part MM); expands tuition assistance program awards for students experiencing homelessness (Part NN); expands the eligibility period for indigent legal service attorneys to receive certain loan forgiveness; increases loan reimbursement for certain attorneys who work in legal services with indigent clients (Part OO); establishes a school-based mental health loan repayment program to aid youth mental health practitioners (Part PP); allows for students in certain postsecondary education experience or transition programs to receive awards from the tuition assistance program (Part QQ); relates to mandatory university fees (Part RR); expands eligibility for the tuition assistance program to include optional semesters, quarters or terms eligible for awards (Part SS); extends the duration of tuition assistance awards to five years (Part TT); relates to the conversion to condominium ownership for the preservation of expiring affordable housing in the city of New York; provides expanded homeownership opportunities from the conversion of certain residential rental buildings to condominium status by property owners that commit to preserve the inventory of expiring affordable housing in the city of New York (Part UU); directs the division of veterans' services to establish a searchable database of veteran-owned businesses (Part VV); establishes the youth justice innovation fund to make funds available to community-based organizations for services and programs with the purpose of youth development and preventing youth arrest and incarceration (Part WW); removes and repeals certain requirements that institutions of higher learning or sponsoring colleges associated with such institutions of higher learning have a certain amount of total endowment assets to qualify for state aid apportionments (Part XX); establishes the small rental housing development initiative to provide funding to eligible applicants to construct small rental housing developments in eligible areas (Part YY); establishes the mobile and manufactured home replacement program to eliminate older mobile and manufactured homes and replace them with new manufactured, modular or site-built homes (Part ZZ); increases the annual amount of loans made to an agricultural producer from the housing development fund to four hundred thousand dollars per annum (Part AAA); establishes the New York state first home grant program (Part BBB); establishes the housing access voucher program (Part CCC); relates to increasing short-term disability benefits (Part DDD); provides that either party to a workers' compensation claim can request a hearing; requires a record of all hearings held (Part EEE); establishes the New York state worker protection and labor enforcement fund to supplement the department of labor's labor law enforcement duties (Part FFF); requires training to reduce abusive conduct and bullying in the workplace as part of a written workplace violence prevention program (Part GGG); decreases the length of the suspension period applicable to certain individuals who lose their jobs due to a labor dispute, such as a strike, and who seek to obtain unemployment insurance benefits (Part HHH); enacts the "shelter arrears eviction forestallment act" to provide emergency assistance for rent or mortgage arrears, HOA fees, legal fees, or late fees for the prevention of eviction (Part III); expands the applicability of the assessment exemption for living quarters for parent or grandparent to include living quarters constructed or reconstructed before the effective date of the section providing such exemption (Part JJJ); establishes the homeowner protection program (Part KKK); establishes the vacant rental improvement program to provide grants of up to $75,000 per unit to owners of buildings with five or fewer units (Part LLL); establishes the block by block homeownership program to provide capital subsidies for the purpose of constructing, preserving, and rehabilitating one- to two- family dwellings throughout the state, outside of NYC (Part MMM); relates to the right to unemployment benefits based on employment with certain educational institutions, including the state university of New York, the city university of New York and public community colleges (Part NNN); relates to use of public funds for prevailing wage requirements applicable to construction projects performed under private contract (Part OOO); directs the division of housing and community renewal to conduct an analysis of the feasibility of forming insurance captives for the purpose of controlling and lowering insurance costs for affordable housing in the state of New York (Part PPP); requires the division of housing and community renewal to publicly publish on its website, in a common, machine readable format, certain data pertaining to capital programs and projects (Part QQQ); establishes the green affordable pre-electrification program to assist owners and tenants in residential properties in curing structural and building code defects which render the properties ineligible for climate change adaptation and resiliency project grants (Part RRR); requires each institution within the state university of New York and the city university of New York offering in-person student instruction to have at least one vending machine making emergency contraception available for purchase (Part SSS). |