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A01559 Summary:

COSPNSRColton, Ardila, Aubry, Gonzalez-Rojas, De Los Santos, Fahy, Carroll, Thiele, Rosenthal L, Gunther, Lunsford, Mamdani, Bichotte Hermelyn, Simone, Shrestha, Taylor, Gallagher, Dinowitz, Burdick, Solages, Weprin, Alvarez, Davila, Chandler-Waterman, Cunningham, Shimsky, Reyes, Kelles, Tapia, Burke, Rozic, Steck, Raga, Sillitti, Bores
MLTSPNSRCook, Dickens, Epstein, Glick, Hevesi, Levenberg, Sayegh, Seawright
Add §818, Ed L
Establishes a course of instruction and learning expectations on climate education in all public pre-kindergarten, elementary and secondary schools which shall include various principles and concepts including environmental justice.
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A01559 Actions:

01/17/2023referred to education
12/08/2023amend (t) and recommit to education
12/08/2023print number 1559a
01/03/2024referred to education
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A01559 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    January 17, 2023
        Introduced  by  M. of A. SIMON, COLTON, ARDILA, AUBRY, GONZALEZ-ROJAS --
          Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of A. COOK, DICKENS, EPSTEIN, GLICK,  HEVESI,
          SAYEGH  --  read  once  and  referred to the Committee on Education --
          committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as  amended  and
          recommitted to said committee

        AN  ACT to amend the education law, in relation to establishing a course
          of instruction and learning expectations on climate education  in  all
          public pre-kindergarten, elementary and secondary schools
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. The education law is amended by adding a new section 818 to
     2  read as follows:
     3    § 818. Courses of  instruction  and  learning  standards  for  climate
     4  education.  1.  The commissioner shall prescribe age-appropriate courses
     5  of instruction and related learning standards for the  skilled  instruc-
     6  tion  of  topics  associated  with climate education to be taught in all
     7  public pre-kindergarten programs and  public  elementary  and  secondary
     8  schools.  When relevant, such courses of instruction and learning stand-
     9  ards shall prioritize traditional, indigenous, and local  knowledge  and
    10  expertise.  Consistent  with the New York state climate action council's
    11  scoping plan, such courses  of  instruction  and  learning  expectations
    12  shall  include,  but  not  be  limited  to,  the principles and concepts
    13  related to the following topics:
    14    a. The causes of climate change, including the greenhouse  effect  and
    15  anthropogenic  sources  of  greenhouse gasses, especially the burning of
    16  fossil fuels;
    17    b. The impacts of climate change on:
    18    (i) the environment, including:
    19    (A) Atmosphere - effects on  local  climates,  weather  patterns,  and
    20  storm intensity;
    21    (B) Oceans - effects on sea life and global weather patterns; and
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 1559--A                          2
     1    (C)  Land  - effects on natural habitats and the survival of flora and
     2  fauna; and
     3    (ii)  social, cultural, economic, health and political systems includ-
     4  ing but not limited to:
     5    (A) public health including mental and physical impacts;
     6    (B) environmental justice and injustice;
     7    (C) food production and fresh water supplies;
     8    (D) consumption and waste; and
     9    (E) climate migration; and
    10    c. Actions required to mitigate and adapt to the  impacts  of  climate
    11  change, including but not limited to:
    12    (i) renewable energy generation;
    13    (ii)  sustainable  low  carbon lifestyles, manufacturing, development,
    14  and circular economies; and
    15    (iii) climate resiliency - options and strategies  for,  planning  for
    16  and adapting to changing climates.
    17    2.  The commissioner shall prescribe courses of instruction and learn-
    18  ing expectations for climate education  aligned  with  existing  or  new
    19  standards  of instruction as set forth by the department. Climate educa-
    20  tion shall be included in, but not limited to:
    21    a. Science and engineering;
    22    b. English language arts;
    23    c. Social studies;
    24    d. Health and physical education;
    25    e. Mathematics;
    26    f. Career readiness and occupational studies;
    27    g. Family and consumer sciences;
    28    h. Visual and performing arts; and
    29    i. World languages.
    30    3. a. The commissioner shall develop age-appropriate  instruction  and
    31  learning  standard  resources  and  technical  assistance for schools to
    32  provide to students in all pre-kindergarten,  elementary  and  secondary
    33  schools to carry out the provisions of this section.
    34    b.  The  department  shall  make  instruction  and  learning  standard
    35  resources publicly available electronically on the department's internet
    36  website.
    37    4. The commissioner shall:
    38    a. establish both a timeline for professional  learning  and  educator
    39  readiness  in  accordance with New York state's decarbonization goals as
    40  outlined in section 75-0107 of environmental  conservation  law,  and  a
    41  plan for ongoing teacher support, peer exchange, and evaluation;
    42    b.  require  a  designated number of relevant professional development
    43  hours/continuing teacher and leader education (CTLE) in  climate  educa-
    44  tion for all in-service teachers; and
    45    c.  establish  expectations for pre-service teacher education programs
    46  for the  teaching  of  climate  change  for  all  teacher  certification
    47  programs in New York state.
    48    5. The commissioner shall establish an office of climate education and
    49  workforce  development  within  sixty days of the effective date of this
    50  section. The board of regents shall be responsible  for  overseeing  the
    51  office and ensuring that it:
    52    a. regularly engages with New York state teachers, indigenous communi-
    53  ties, BIPOC communities, informal and alternative educators, and non-go-
    54  vernmental   education   organizations  about  the  office's  goals  and
    55  services;

        A. 1559--A                          3
     1    b. creates career and technical education (CTE)  and  green  workforce
     2  development programs;
     3    c.  supports  professional  development for in-service and pre-service
     4  teachers;
     5    d. develops and facilitates the administration of  assessment  instru-
     6  ments related to climate education; and
     7    e.  assists  the commissioner in providing the necessary resources and
     8  technical assistance for all schools to carry out the provisions of this
     9  section.
    10    6. The board of regents shall develop and implement  clear  strategies
    11  for  assessing the effectiveness and implementation of climate education
    12  teaching and student learning across all grade levels and subject areas.
    13    § 2. This act shall take effect on the first of July  next  succeeding
    14  the date on which it shall have become a law.
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