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A01559 Summary:

SPONSORRosenthal (MS)
Add §3153-a, Pub Auth L; add §99-ss, St Fin L
Creates the lymphedema and lymphatic diseases research grants program; provides such grants, not to exceed $50,000, would be awarded on a competitive basis to biomedical research institutions conducting direct research related to lymphedema and lymphatic disease.
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A01559 Actions:

01/10/2025referred to health
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A01559 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    January 10, 2025
        Introduced  by M. of A. ROSENTHAL -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of A. COOK
          -- read once and referred to the Committee on Health
        AN ACT to amend the public authorities law, in relation to  establishing
          a  lymphedema  and  lymphatic diseases research grants program; and to
          amend the state finance law, in relation to  creating  the  lymphedema
          and lymphatic diseases research and education fund
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. The public authorities law  is  amended  by  adding  a  new
     2  section 3153-a to read as follows:
     3    §  3153-a.  Lymphedema and lymphatic diseases research grants program.
     4  1. The foundation shall, within available appropriations, establish  the
     5  lymphedema  and  lymphatic  diseases  research grants program, hereafter
     6  "grants program". The grants program shall be administered by the  foun-
     7  dation,  in  consultation  with  the  department  of health. Such grants
     8  program funds shall be used to provide financial assistance in the  form
     9  of  grants,  not to exceed fifty thousand dollars per grant, to New York
    10  state biomedical research institutions for working  capital  to  further
    11  new  and  emerging research and development for the diagnosis and treat-
    12  ment of lymphedema and lymphatic diseases. Such grants shall be  awarded
    13  on a competitive basis to biomedical research institutions responding to
    14  requests for proposals issued by the foundation when funds are appropri-
    15  ated.
    16    2.  (a)  "Biomedical research institution" shall mean a not-for-profit
    17  university, college, hospital, private or  federal  research  laboratory
    18  located  in  New  York  state,  or  a  consortium of such entities, that
    19  conducts an intensive and ongoing program of  research  and  development
    20  directly related to lymphedema and/or lymphatic diseases research.
    21    (b)  "Lymphedema" shall mean an accumulation of lymphatic fluid in the
    22  interstitial tissue that causes swelling, most often in the arms  and/or
    23  legs, and occasionally in other parts of the body, from any cause.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 1559                             2
     1    (c)  "Lymphatic diseases" shall include but not be limited to:  insuf-
     2  ficiency of lymphatic circulatory function  (to  include  all  forms  of
     3  lymphedema),  lipedema,  complex  congenital  diseases  of the lymphatic
     4  vasculature,  including  lymphangiomatosis,   lymphangioleio-myomatosis,
     5  lymphangiectasias,  lymphangiomas,  cystic  hygromas,  Gorham's disease,
     6  lymphangiosarcoma, and complex vascular/lymphatic malformations.
     7    3. In addition to such other criteria as the foundation may  adopt  in
     8  rules  and  regulations for the consideration of applications for grants
     9  pursuant to subdivision one of this section, the foundation shall:
    10    (a) determine that the applicant is unable to obtain sufficient  fund-
    11  ing  on  reasonable terms from other public or private sources to permit
    12  the institution's planned investment to  proceed  without  the  required
    13  assistance;
    14    (b) give priority to those applications for assistance from biomedical
    15  research institutions that secure private support for research or commit
    16  new  resources  to  the  expansion  of lymphedema and lymphatic diseases
    17  research; and
    18    (c) consider the potential long term economic benefits to the state of
    19  awarding the specific grant and whether  the  grant  will  result  in  a
    20  reasonable  likelihood  of  success in meeting the purposes for which it
    21  was sought by the applicant.
    22    4. The foundation, in consultation with the department of health,  may
    23  apply to the national institutes of health, the United States department
    24  of health and human services, and other appropriate federal, public, and
    25  private  entities  for  funding. Such monies shall be deposited into the
    26  lymphedema and lymphatic diseases research and  education  fund,  estab-
    27  lished pursuant to section ninety-nine-ss of the state finance law.
    28    5.  The  foundation  shall  submit to the governor, the speaker of the
    29  assembly, the temporary president of the senate, and to any other  state
    30  legislator at their request, a report on the grants program by September
    31  first,  two  thousand  twenty-seven and annually thereafter. Such report
    32  shall include, for each grant awarded, the  name  and  location  of  the
    33  recipient,  a  description  of the product, device, technique, system or
    34  process being researched and developed, the recipient's relationship  to
    35  the  research  institution,  the  amount and use of the grant, the total
    36  project cost, and such other information as the  foundation  shall  deem
    37  appropriate. Such report shall also include a list of all applicants and
    38  their  contact information, regardless of receiving a grant, in order to
    39  help demonstrate the need for future funds.
    40    6. Nothing in this section shall require the  foundation  to  disclose
    41  any  matters  involving confidential intellectual property or work prod-
    42  uct, whether patentable or not, including any  formula,  plan,  pattern,
    43  process, tool, mechanism, compound, procedure, production data or compi-
    44  lation of information, which is not patented, but which is known only to
    45  certain  individuals  who are using it to fabricate, produce or compound
    46  an article of trade or service having commercial value and  which  gives
    47  its  user an opportunity to obtain a business advantage over competitors
    48  who do not know it or use it.
    49    § 2. The state finance law is amended by adding a new section 99-ss to
    50  read as follows:
    51    § 99-ss. Lymphedema and  lymphatic  diseases  research  and  education
    52  fund. 1. There is hereby established in the joint custody of the commis-
    53  sioner of taxation and finance and the comptroller, a special fund to be
    54  known  as  the  lymphedema and lymphatic diseases research and education
    55  fund, hereafter the "fund".

        A. 1559                             3
     1    2. Such fund shall consist of all monies  appropriated,  credited,  or
     2  transferred  thereto  from  any  other  fund  or source pursuant to law.
     3  Nothing contained in this section shall prevent the state from receiving
     4  grants, gifts or bequests for the purposes of the  fund  as  defined  in
     5  this section and depositing them into the fund according to law.
     6    3.  Monies of the fund shall be expended only for lymphedema and lymp-
     7  hatic diseases research and education projects approved by  the  depart-
     8  ment of health.
     9    4.  (a)  "Lymphedema" shall mean an accumulation of lymphatic fluid in
    10  the interstitial tissue that causes swelling, most  often  in  the  arms
    11  and/or  legs, and occasionally in other parts of the body, regardless of
    12  cause.
    13    (b) "Lymphatic diseases" shall include but not be limited to:   insuf-
    14  ficiency  of  lymphatic  circulatory  function  (to include all forms of
    15  lymphedema), lipedema, complex  congenital  diseases  of  the  lymphatic
    16  vasculature,   including  lymphangiomatosis,  lymphangioleio-myomatosis,
    17  lymphangiectasias, lymphangiomas,  cystic  hygromas,  Gorham's  disease,
    18  lymphangiosarcoma, and complex vascular/lymphatic malformations.
    19    (c)   "Lymphedema   and  lymphatic  diseases  research  and  education
    20  projects" shall mean research by qualified researchers, as determined by
    21  the department of health, to stimulate research on the pathogenesis  and
    22  new treatments for lymphedema and lymphatic diseases. Education projects
    23  are  those  projects which promote and provide information on lymphedema
    24  and lymphatic diseases including:    prevention,  diagnosis,  treatment,
    25  long-term  chronic  care,  and/or research by qualified organizations as
    26  determined by the department of health.
    27    5. Monies shall be payable from the fund on the audit and  warrant  of
    28  the  comptroller  on vouchers approved and certified by the commissioner
    29  of health.
    30    6. To the extent practicable, the commissioner of health shall  ensure
    31  that  all monies received during a fiscal year are expended prior to the
    32  end of that fiscal year.
    33    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.
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