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S05491 Summary:

Amd Various Laws, generally
Enacts legislation relating to emergency appropriations for the support of government for the period April 1, 2017 through May 31, 2017; relates to high cost drugs and surcharges on high priced drugs; relates to secrecy provisions; relates to the high priced drug reimbursement fund and drug utilization review board; relates to Medicaid reimbursement of covered outpatient drugs; authorizes the suspension of a provider's Medicaid enrollment for inappropriate prescribing of opioids; relates to refills of controlled substances; relates to eliminating prescriber prevails with the exception of mental health medications and to authorizing for comprehensive medication management by pharmacists; reduces Medicaid coverage and increases copayments for non-prescription drugs, aligns pharmacy copayment requirements with federal regulations, and adjusts consumer price index penalties for generic drugs; and repeals certain provisions relating to the coverage of certain medically necessary prescription drugs by managed care providers (Subpart A); relates to fiscal intermediary certification under the consumer directed personal assistance program; and to reserved bed days and establishing a prospective per diem adjustment for certain nursing homes (Subpart B); relates to known and projected department of health state fund Medicaid expenditures, and to extending the Medicaid global cap (Subpart C); amends the New York Health Care Reform Act of 1996, in relation to extending certain provisions relating thereto; relates to extending the effectiveness of provisions of the New York Health Care Reform Act of 2000; relates to the distribution of pool allocations and graduate medical education; relates to health care initiative pool distributions; relates to extending payment provisions for general hospitals and assessments on covered lives; relates to the development of pilot reimbursement programs for ambulatory care services, and the effectiveness thereof; relates to providing for a comprehensive survey of health care financing, education and illness prevention and creating councils for the conduct thereof, and the effectiveness thereof; relates to rates of payment for personal care services workers; relates to the comprehensive diagnostic and treatment centers indigent care program; relates to the deposit of certain funds; relates to apportioning premium for certain policies; relates to extending certain provisions concerning the hospital excess liability pool; relates to tobacco control and insurance initiatives pool distributions (Subpart D); relates to authorizing bad debt and charity care allowances for certified home health agencies, and the effectiveness thereof; relates to eliminating prescriber prevails for brand name drugs with generic equivalents, and the effectiveness thereof; relates to extending the nursing home cash assessment; relates to rates for residential health care facilities, and the effectiveness thereof; relates to delay of certain administrative cost; relates to medical reimbursement and welfare reform, and the effectiveness thereof; relates to transportation costs, and the effectiveness thereof; relates to general hospital reimbursement for annual rates relating to the cap on local Medicaid expenditures, and the effectiveness thereof; relates to expanding the child health insurance plan, and the effectiveness thereof; relates to limiting the method of payment for prescription drugs under the medical assistance program, and the effectiveness thereof; relates to continuing nursing home upper payment limit payments; relates to encouraging comprehensive health services, and the effectiveness thereof; relates to allowing for the use of funds of the office of professional medical conduct for activities of the patient health information and quality improvement act of 2000, and to extending the provisions thereof; relates to the statewide health information network of New York and the statewide planning and research cooperative system and general powers and duties, and the effectiveness thereof; relates to reimbursement to participating provider pharmacies and prescription drug coverage, in relation to extending the expiration of certain provisions thereof; and relates to issuance of certificates of authority to accountable care organizations (Subpart E); relates to general hospital reimbursement for annual rates relating to the cap on local Medicaid expenditures, and to extending government rates for behavioral services and adding an alternative payment methodology; and relates to increasing Medicaid payments to providers through managed care organizations and providing equivalent fees through an ambulatory patient group methodology, in relation to extending government rates for behavioral services and adding a value based payment requirement (Subpart F); relates to establishing a cost of living adjustment for designated human services programs, and to forgoing such adjustment during the 2017-2018 state fiscal year and the effectiveness thereof (Subpart G); relates to health homes; relates to managed care programs; relates to pasteurized donor human milk and ovulation enhancing drugs; relates to home care work wage parity; and to authorizing the commissioner of health to sell accounts receivables balances owed to the state by Medicaid providers to financial institutions; and providing for the expiration of certain provisions (Subpart H)(Part A); provides for the administration of certain funds and accounts related to the 2017-18 budget and authorizing certain payments and transfers; to amend the state finance law, in relation to the school tax relief fund and payments, transfers and deposits; relates to the dedicated infrastructure investment fund; relates to implementing the state fiscal plan for the 2003-2004 state fiscal year, and to the deposit provisions of the tobacco settlement financing corporation act; relates to establishing the retiree health benefit trust fund; relates to funding project costs undertaken by non-public schools, and to funding project costs for certain capital projects; relates to the financing of the correctional facilities improvement fund and the youth facility improvement fund, and to the issuance of bonds; relates to housing program bonds and notes; relates to the establishment of the dedicated highway and bridge trust fund, and to the issuance of bonds; relates to the issuance of bonds by the dormitory authority; relates to providing for the administration of certain funds and accounts related to the 2005-2006 budget, and to issuance of bonds by the urban development corporation; relates to the issuance of bonds; relates to the state environmental infrastructure projects; relates to authorizing the urban development corporation to issue bonds to fund project costs for the implementation of a NY-CUNY challenge grant program; relates to providing for the administration of certain funds and accounts related to the 2002-2003 budget, and to increasing the aggregate amount of bonds to be issued by the New York state urban development corporation; relates to financing of peace bridge and transportation capital projects; relates to dormitories at certain educational institutions other than state operated institutions and statutory or contract colleges under the jurisdiction of the state university of New York; relates to bonds and mental health facilities improvement notes; relates to the composition and responsibilities of the New York state higher education capital matching grant board, and to increasing the amount of authorized matching capital grants; relates to authorization for issuance of bonds for the capital restructuring bond finance program and the health care facility transformation program and to funding certain capital projects and the issuance of bonds; to repeal sections 58, 59 and 60 of the state finance law relating thereto; and providing for the repeal of certain provisions upon expiration thereof (Subpart A); relates to allocation of three million dollars of assessments from the city of New York to the general fund; and providing for the repeal of such provisions upon expiration thereof (Subpart B)(Part B); relates to increasing certain motor vehicle transaction fees, in relation to the disposition of revenues (Subpart A); relates to extending certain provisions relating to the empire state economic development fund (Subpart B); relates to the powers of the New York state urban development corporation to make loans, and the effectiveness thereof (Subpart C); relates to the definition of an authorized entity that may utilize design-build contracts, and the effectiveness thereof (Subpart D); relates to permitting the secretary of state to provide special handling for all documents filed or issued by the division of corporations and to permit additional levels of such expedited service, and to extending the expiration date thereof (Subpart E); relates to establishing the New York environmental protection and spill remediation account (Subpart F)(Part C); relates to the school tax reduction credit for residents of a city with a population of one million or more; and repeals section 54-f of the state financial law relating thereto (Subpart A); to relates to serving an income execution with respect to individual tax debtors without filing a warrant, and to extending the provisions authorizing service of income executions on individual tax debtors without filing a warrant (Subpart B); relates to clarifying the imposition of sales tax on gas service or electric service of whatever nature (Subpart C); and relates to qualified financial instruments of RICS and REITS (Subpart D)(Part D).
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S05491 Text:

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