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A.+2500 Summary:

COSPNSROrtiz, Stirpe, Epstein, Reyes, Zebrowski, Fernandez, Sayegh, Romeo, Taylor, Quart, McDonald, Rosenthal D, Fall, Eichenstein, Cruz, Niou, Darling, Frontus, Hevesi, De La Rosa, Weprin, Jacobson, Dickens, Burgos
MLTSPNSRAbinanti, Arroyo, Barrett, Barron, Benedetto, Bichotte, Blake, Bronson, Cahill, Carroll, Colton, Cook, Cusick, Davila, DenDekker, Dilan, Dinowitz, D'Urso, Englebright, Fahy, Galef, Glick, Gottfried, Hunter, Hyndman, Jaffee, Jean-Pierre, Joyner, Kim, Lavine, Lentol, Lifton, Lupardo, Mosley, Otis, Peoples-Stokes, Perry, Pichardo, Pretlow, Ramos, Richardson, Rivera, Rodriguez, Rosenthal L, Rozic, Seawright, Simon, Simotas, Solages, Steck, Thiele, Titus, Vanel, Walker, Wright
Amd §§137, 138, 2, 401, 401-a, 500-k & 45, Cor L
Restricts the use of segregated confinement and creates alternative therapeutic and rehabilitative confinement options; limits the length of time a person may be in segregated confinement and excludes certain persons from being placed in segregated confinement.
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