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A01145 Summary:

Amd V & T L, generally; amd §87, Pub Off L; add §371-a, Gen Muni L
Relates to the adjudication of certain traffic infractions and notices of liability involving the use of photo monitoring devices; authorizes adjudication of traffic control signal indications in the village of Pelham Manor.
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A01145 Memo:

submitted in accordance with Assembly Rule III, Sec 1(f)
  TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the vehicle and traffic law, the general municipal law and the public officers law, in relation to certain traffic infractions and notices of liability; to amend the vehicle and traffic law, in relation to adjudications and owner liability for a violation of traff- ic-control signal indications in the village of Pelham Manor; to repeal certain provisions of the vehicle and traffic law relating thereto; and providing for the repeal of certain provisions upon expiration thereof   PURPOSE OR GENERAL IDEA OF BILL: To authorize the village of Pelham Manor to install a red light camera at one of its intersections.   SUMMARY OF SPECIFIC PROVISIONS: Section one repeals section 235 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law (VTL) and adds a new section 235 establishing the jurisdiction to adjudicate red light camera traffic violations. Section two repeals subdivision 1 of section 236 of the VTL and adds a new section 236, providing for the creation of traffic violations bureau which shall have jurisdiction over traffic infractions, including red light camera violations. Section three repeals paragraph f of subdivision 1 of section 239 of the VTL and adds a new paragraph f, providing a definition for a "notice of violation." Section four repeals subdivision 1 and 1 a of section 240 of the VTL and adds new subdivisions 1 and la, which stipulate the requirements related to a notice of hearing. Section five repeals paragraphs a and g of subdivision 2 of section 240 of the VTL and adds a new paragraph a and g to provide that any hearing for the adjudication of a red light camera violation shall be held before a hearing examiner and also provides that a record must be made of a hearing on a plea of not guilty. Section six repeals subdivisions 1 and 2 of section 241 of the VTL and adds a new subdivision 1 and 2 to provide that a hearing examiner must make a determination on charges, either sustaining or dismissing them. Section seven repeals subdivision 5a of section 401 of the VTL and adds a new subdivision 5a to section 401 of the VTL, allowing for a denial of vehicle registration or renewal for a failure to appear before the court for one of several violations, including a red light camera violation. Sections eight and eight-a amend the opening paragraph and paragraph (c) of subdivision 1 of section 1809 of the vehicle and traffic law, allowing for a levying of a crime victim assistance fee in certain circumstances. Sections eight-b through eight-h amend subdivision 1 of section 1809 of the VTL, allowing for a levying of a crime victim assistance fee in certain circumstances. Section nine adds a new subdivision 1-a to section 1809 of the VTL, relating to a mandatory surcharge and crime victim assistance fee. Section nine-a repeals paragraph a of subdivision 1 of section 1809e of the VTL and adds a new paragraph a, allowing for the charging of a $28 surcharge in certain circumstances. Section ten adds a new section 371-a to the VTL allowing for the adjudi- cation of certain traffic violations, including red light camera violations. Section eleven adds a new section 1111-f to the VTL, authorizing Pelham Manor to install a red light camera at one of its intersections. Section twelve adds a new paragraph (r) to subdivision 2 of section 87 of the public officers law to provide agency may deny access to records or portions thereof are photographs, microphotographs, videotape or other recorded images from a red light camera authorized under section 111-f of the VTL. Section thirteen provides that the purchased of equipment for the red light camera demonstration project shall be subject to procurement requirements of section 103 of the general municipal law. Section fourteen provides the effective date.   JUSTIFICATION: This legislation will authorize the village of Pelham Manor to install a red light camera at one of its intersections. The intent of the village would be to install the camera at the Pelhamdale Avenue intersection, which is under the village's sole jurisdiction. The village community has expressed concerns over the public's safety at this intersection. There is a nursery school, shopping center and a number of elderly resi- dents surrounding this intersection, as well as high school students who regularly use the crosswalk. Affording this authorization to Pelham Manor will allow the village to more effectively address red light violations and will improve the safety of all who travel through or across the Pelhamdale Avenue intersection.   PRIOR LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: A.10213, 2020, referred to transportation Same as S.8137, 2020, referred to transportation.   FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None to the state.
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