A03780 Summary:
BILL NO | A03780E |
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SAME AS | SAME AS S01736-E |
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SPONSOR | Fahy |
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COSPNSR | Jackson, Dickens, Thiele, Seawright, Burdick, Simon, Steck, Woerner, Brown K, Clark, Rosenthal L, Otis, Epstein, Dinowitz, McDonald, Simone, Raga, Paulin, Colton |
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Amd §378, Exec L | |
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Requires new construction that includes dedicated off-street parking to provide electric vehicle charging stations and electric vehicle ready parking spaces. |
A03780 Memo:
submitted in accordance with Assembly Rule III, Sec 1(f)   BILL NUMBER: A3780E SPONSOR: Fahy
  TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the executive law, in relation to requiring new construction that includes dedicated off-street parking to provide elec- tric vehicle charging stations and electric vehicle ready parking spaces   PURPOSE OR GENERAL IDEA OF BILL: Requires electric vehicle charging stations and electric vehicle ready parking spaces in certain new buildings.   SUMMARY OF SPECIFIC PROVISIONS: Section 1 of the bill amends section 378 of the executive law by adding subdivision 17-a. Standards require that new construction with dedicated off-street parking involving a garage, driveway, parking lot or other off-street parking have electric vehicle charging stations or electric vehicle ready parking spaces. The provisions are as follows: - One- to three-family homes with off-street parking must have at least one electric vehicle ready parking space for each dwelling unit, up to the total number of spaces. - Multi-family homes with off-street parking must have 100% of spaces be at least EV ready, with at least 20% of spaces equipped with a level 2 charging station. - Commercial buildings with between one and ten parking spaces must have at least one space that is EV ready or equipped with a level 2 charging station or a direct current fast charger. - Commercial buildings with more than ten parking spaces must have at least 20% of spaces be EV ready, which shall include at least 10% of spaces equipped with a Level 2 charging station or a direct current fast charging station. - Commercial buildings may opt to substitute one direct current fast charging station for 10 required Level 2 charging stations or EV ready spaces. - Requirements for installation of EV ready spaces or charging stations may be met by installing multiple EV ready spaces or charging stations on a single branch circuit when used in conjunction with an electric vehicle energy management system. - Building owners may apply for a waiver if they can demonstrate that the provisions present an undue hardship due to limitations of the local utility provider, or,that the geographic location of the site is such that compliance would result in a significant burden on the owner. An example of a scenario where an exemption could be granted is certain buildings on agricultural land. - clear and prominent signage denoting availability and location of charging stations or EV ready spaces is required. - Municipalities are not preempted from enaction stricter requirements. Section 2 establishes an effective date of April 1, 2024.   JUSTIFICATION: The presence of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and parking spaces in a community is associated with greater use of EVs. However, the rate of adoption of EV parking spaces has been slow, mirrored by the slow adoption of EVs themselves. In 2021, New York' State took steps to address to slow adoption of EVs by mandating new vehicles in the state be all-electric by 2035. For the adoption of this policy to be success- ful, the installation of the hardware needed to support a large number of EVs on the road should be a priority of the state. Accordingly, this bill seeks to align New York's construction and building code policy with the goals of the state expressed in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act as well as the 2021 EV sales mandate by mandat- ing the installation of EV infrastructure in certain instances during new construction.   PRIOR LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: 2021-22: S7406c/A3179d - Passed Senate.   FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: To be determined   EFFECTIVE DATE: This act shall take effect April 1, 2025