NEW YORK STATE ASSEMBLY MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF LEGISLATION submitted in accordance with Assembly Rule III, Sec 1(f)
TITLE OF BILL: An act directing the metropolitan transportation
authority to study the feasibility of co-mingling public transit and
freight service on the proposed Triboro line along the rail right-of-way
running from Co-op City in the Bronx, through Queens, and terminating in
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn
Relates to requiring the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) to
study the feasibility of co-mingling public transit and freight on the
Triboro line along the rail right-of-way running from Co-op City in the
Bronx, through Queens, and terminating in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.
Limited access to public transportation and slow bus speeds mean resi-
dents in the outer boroughs of NYC have to take circuitous routes for
inter-borough travel outside of Manhattan. The purpose of this legis-
lation is to have the MTA undertake a feasibility study of the rail
right-of-way (RoW) that runs from Co-op City in the Bronx through Queens
and into Brooklyn ending at Bay Ridge. This RoW has mixed-ownership,
including Amtrak, CSX, and Long Island Rail Road, and runs 24 miles. The
study will look at several factors, including the feasibility of co-min-
gling public transit and freight; coordination with existing transit,
including subways and buses; greenhouse gas reduction and economic
impacts; frequency and span of service; fare integration; operational
segments; schedule coordination; and other variables necessary to ensure
a successful expansion of public transit to improve the quality of life
of outer borough riders. The RoW is predominantly grade separate
already, and has some existing infrastructure in place. The expansion
project could be undertaken at a fraction of the cost of expanded
subways and create service along a corridor in desperate need of
options. The Triboro project can improve economic vitality in the outer
boroughs, show how new forms of transit can help create a more reliable
and resilient transit system, and put us on a path where all New Yorkers
are better connected.
New Legislation
Effective immediately
2019-2020 Regular Sessions
June 11, 2019
Introduced by M. of A. WALKER -- read once and referred to the Committee
on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions
AN ACT directing the metropolitan transportation authority to study the
feasibility of co-mingling public transit and freight service on the
proposed Triboro line along the rail right-of-way running from Co-op
City in the Bronx, through Queens, and terminating in Bay Ridge,
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-bly, do enact as follows:
1 Section 1. 1. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority shall conduct
2 a study to explore the use of the Triboro rail line as a co-mingled
3 public transit and freight line, exploring the reduction of travel time
4 for residents and an increase in quality of life for outer borough resi-
5 dents.
6 2. The study shall cover the full extent of the corridor which
7 includes Amtrak's ownership in the Bronx south over the Hell Gate
8 bridge, CSX's Fremont Secondary line south to Fresh Pond Junction, and
9 the Long Island Rail Road's Bay Ridge branch operated by New York and
10 Atlantic Railway.
11 3. Such study shall examine the challenges, opportunities, and feasi-
12 bility of co-mingling public transit and freight service along the
13 Triboro rail line.
14 4. Within one year of the effective date of this act, the Metropolitan
15 Transportation Authority shall issue a report of its findings on the
16 feasibility and benefits of co-mingling public transit and freight
17 service along the Triboro rail line to the governor, the temporary pres-
18 ident of the senate and the speaker of the assembly of the state of New
19 York. Such report shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
20 (a) the populations served and ridership expected to benefit from
21 public transit on the Triboro rail line;
EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
[] is old law to be omitted.
A. 8272 2
1 (b) the potential transit travel time reductions, greenhouse gas
2 reductions, and economic benefits expected from the public transit
3 service on the Triboro rail line;
4 (c) the locations of potential stations, frequency and span of service
5 expected to run daily along the Triboro rail line;
6 (d) the operational segments (in phases) to get service started; sche-
7 dules needed for co-mingling with freight; expected freight expansion
8 and impacts to service; and
9 (e) any actions that can be implemented by the Metropolitan Transpor-
10 tation Authority immediately, a plan of action for such implementation,
11 and the estimated cost of such implementation plan.
12 § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.