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A07052 Summary:

COSPNSRBores, Dickens, Lunsford, Glick, McDonald, Bichotte Hermelyn, Epstein, Cruz, Burgos, Weprin, Paulin, Shrestha, Meeks, Taylor, Simon, Clark, Seawright
Add Art 5 Title 10 §§5-1000 - 5-1003, El L; add §219-a, V & T L
Permits the state board of elections to join certain multistate voter list maintenance organizations and provide such organizations with certain voter information; requires the state to join a multistate voter list maintenance organization on or before July 31, 2025.
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A07052 Actions:

05/10/2023referred to election law
05/17/2023amend and recommit to election law
05/17/2023print number 7052a
05/31/2023amend and recommit to election law
05/31/2023print number 7052b
01/03/2024referred to election law
01/04/2024amend and recommit to election law
01/04/2024print number 7052c
05/23/2024reported referred to ways and means
06/04/2024reported referred to rules
06/04/2024rules report cal.392
06/04/2024substituted by s6173b
 05/24/2023PRINT NUMBER 6173A
 06/05/2023PASSED SENATE
 06/05/2023referred to election law
 01/03/2024died in assembly
 01/03/2024returned to senate
 01/04/2024PRINT NUMBER 6173B
 01/08/2024PASSED SENATE
 01/08/2024referred to election law
 06/04/2024substituted for a7052c
 06/04/2024ordered to third reading rules cal.392
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A07052 Memo:

submitted in accordance with Assembly Rule III, Sec 1(f)
SPONSOR: Sillitti
  TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the election law and the vehicle and traffic law, in relation to joining multistate voter list maintenance organizations   PURPOSE: To authorize the state board of elections to join a multistate voter list maintenance organization such as the electronic registration infor- mation center also known as ERIC.   SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS: Section 1: Describes the legislative intent. Section 2: Amends Article 5 of the election law by adding a new title to authorize the state board of elections to join a multistate voter list maintenance organization and share certain information with the multi- state voter list maintenance organization. Section 3: Amends article 219-a of the vehicle and traffic law. Section 4: States that New York State shall join a multistate voter list maintenance organization promptly after the effective date of this act and must complete its registration on or before July 31, 2025. Section 5: Provides the effective date.   JUSTIFICATION: A multistate voter list maintenance organization is a coordinating enti- ty between the states that aids them in removing ineligible voters from their voter rolls. The Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) is a public charity non-profit membership organization comprising 25 states and the District of Columbia. ERIC's purpose is to assist states in improving the accuracy of America's voter rolls and increasing access to voter registration for all eligible citizens. As the official record of all eligible voters in a state, a state's voter registration rolls are the foundation of free, fair, and accurate elections. Keeping voter rolls up to date is a challenge because, every day, voters move or pass away. Those who move out of state do not always remember to update their registration. Illegal voting is exceedingly rare but maintaining accurate voter rolls reduces the opportunity for such behavior and it helps build confidence in election outcomes.   LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: Senate 2023 - S6173-A, Passed Senate Assembly 2023 - A 7052-B, Referred to election law   FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: A one-time membership fee of $25,000 is required to join ERIC to help cover expenses for technology upgrades and expansions necessary to support a growing membership. States also pay annual dues to cover operating costs and are based, in part, on the citizen voting age population in each state. Members approve the dues and the annual budget. Dues for the 2022-23 fiscal year range from about $26,000 to about $116,000. ERIC's 2021-22 operating budget is about $1,538,000. ERIC conducts annual independent audits of its financial statements.   EFFECTIVE DATE: This act shall take effect immediately.
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A07052 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      May 10, 2023
        Introduced by M. of A. SILLITTI -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee  on  Election  Law  -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered
          reprinted as amended  and  recommitted  to  said  committee  --  again
          reported  from  said  committee  with amendments, ordered reprinted as
          amended and recommitted  to  said  committee  --  recommitted  to  the
          Committee  on  Election Law in accordance with Assembly Rule 3, sec. 2
          -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered  reprinted  as  amended
          and recommitted to said committee
        AN  ACT  to  amend  the election law and the vehicle and traffic law, in
          relation to joining multistate voter list maintenance organizations
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Legislative findings and intent.  As the official record of
     2  all  eligible  voters in a state, a state's voter registration rolls are
     3  the foundation of free, fair, and accurate elections. Illegal voting  is
     4  exceedingly rare but maintaining accurate voter rolls reduces the oppor-
     5  tunity  for  such  behavior  and  it  helps build confidence in election
     6  outcomes. However, keeping  voter  rolls  up  to  date  is  a  challenge
     7  because, every day, voters move or die. Voters do not always remember to
     8  update their registration when they move. These challenges are especial-
     9  ly  acute  in  states  with large and highly mobile populations. Partic-
    10  ipation in a multistate voter list maintenance organization can  improve
    11  the  accuracy of New York's voter registration rolls. A multistate voter
    12  list maintenance organization is a coordinating  entity  between  states
    13  that  aids  them  in identifying voters who may no longer be eligible to
    14  vote, who have moved, or who have died. A voter list maintenance  organ-
    15  ization  may  also  offer  other  information  useful to improving voter
    16  registration or enhancing the integrity of election administration.
    17    § 2. Article 5 of the election law is amended by adding a new title 10
    18  to read as follows:

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7052--C                          2
     1                                   TITLE X
     3  Section 5-1000. Joining  a  multistate  voter list maintenance organiza-
     4                    tion.
     5          5-1001. Designating a member representative.
     6          5-1002. Authorization to share registration records with  multi-
     7                    state voter list maintenance organization.
     8          5-1003. Use  of information from a multistate voter list mainte-
     9                    nance organization.
    10    § 5-1000. Joining a multistate voter  list  maintenance  organization.
    11  The  state board of elections shall join the state as a member in one or
    12  more multistate voter list maintenance organizations including, but  not
    13  limited  to,  the  electronic  registration  information  center  or its
    14  successor. The state board of elections shall expend funds  for  member-
    15  ship fees, dues and other expenses related to such membership.
    16    §  5-1001.  Designating  a  member  representative. The state board of
    17  elections shall designate the chief election official of  the  state  of
    18  New  York  as the representative to the board of directors of any multi-
    19  state voter list maintenance organization that the state is a member  of
    20  including,  but  not limited to, the electronic registration information
    21  center or its successor.
    22    § 5-1002. Authorization to share registration records with  multistate
    23  voter  list  maintenance  organization.  1.    Notwithstanding any other
    24  provision of law, the member  representative  designated  under  section
    25  5-1001  of  this  title may provide to the multistate voter list mainte-
    26  nance organization that they are a member of the  following  information
    27  from  the  statewide voter registration list as defined in section 5-614
    28  of this article:
    29    (a) all name fields;
    30    (b) all address fields;
    31    (c) date of birth;
    32    (d) state voter identification number;
    33    (e) voter's last registration date;
    34    (f) activity dates as defined by the multistate voter list maintenance
    35  organization; and
    36    (g) voter history.
    37    2. The member representative designated under section 5-1001  of  this
    38  title  may  also  provide  any  information to the multistate voter list
    39  maintenance organization provided to such member representative from the
    40  department of motor vehicles pursuant to section two hundred  nineteen-a
    41  of the vehicle and traffic law.
    42    3.  The  state board of elections shall not provide any information on
    43  any person in the confidential voter program pursuant to  section  5-508
    44  of  this article for any purpose under this title. Nothing in this title
    45  shall be construed to  require  the  department  of  motor  vehicles  to
    46  provide any information on any person in such program.
    47    4.  The  state board of elections is authorized to promulgate any rule
    48  or regulation necessary to effectuate the provisions of this title.
    49    § 5-1003. Use of information from a multistate voter list  maintenance
    50  organization.  1.  Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary,
    51  the state board of elections shall use any  information  provided  by  a
    52  multistate voter list maintenance organization that the state has joined
    53  pursuant  to section 5-1001 of this title, including but not limited to,
    54  the use of such information in  list  maintenance  activities  performed
    55  pursuant to section 5-614 of this article.

        A. 7052--C                          3
     1    2. To avoid inadvertent or accidental registration of persons ineligi-
     2  ble  to  register  to  vote, any mailing to any potentially eligible but
     3  unregistered person shall state the voter registration criteria, includ-
     4  ing but not limited to, any citizenship requirements.
     5    §  3.  The  vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding a new section
     6  219-a to read as follows:
     7    § 219-a. State membership  in  a  multistate  voter  list  maintenance
     8  organization.  1.  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of law to the
     9  contrary, the commissioner is  authorized  to  provide  to  the  state's
    10  representative  to  a  multistate  voter  list maintenance organization,
    11  designated under section 5-1001  of  the  election  law,  the  following
    12  information:  (a)  all  name  fields; (b) all address fields; (c) DMV ID
    13  number; (d) last four digits of the  DMV  ID  holder's  social  security
    14  number;  (e) date of birth; (f) current record status; (g) phone number;
    15  and (h) e-mail address,  provided  that  the  conditions  and  terms  of
    16  membership  are consistent with the provisions of this chapter and title
    17  ten of article five of the election law pertaining to such membership or
    18  reciprocal recognition of vehicle registrations.
    19    2. The commissioner shall not provide any information pursuant to this
    20  section of persons who are not citizens.
    21    § 4. New York state shall join a  multistate  voter  list  maintenance
    22  organization  promptly  after  the  effective date of this act and shall
    23  complete its registration  with  a  multistate  voter  list  maintenance
    24  organization on or before July 31, 2025.
    25    § 5. This act shall take effect immediately.
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