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E00854 Summary:

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E00854 Memo:

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E00854 Text:

Assembly Resolution No. 854
BY: M. of A. Peoples-Stokes
        ADOPTING  special  temporary  procedures  during a
        declared state or national state of emergency
  WHEREAS, The Rules of the Assembly were adopted on January 9,  2019,
and,  as  last  amended  on  January  13, 2020, remain in full force and
effect, except that the current declared  state  or  national  emergency
require  such  Assembly, in the exercise of its constitutional power and
prerogative, to implement special temporary  procedures  permitting  the
consideration  of legislation in an expedited fashion to meet the urgent
needs of the people of the State of New York while  confronting  rapidly
changing  circumstances and public health concerns and directives; be it
  RESOLVED, That, notwithstanding the provisions of section 2 of  Rule
V  of  the Assembly Rules, during a period of declared state or national
state of emergency, in the event a slow roll call is not requested,  the
yeas  and  nays  on  the  final  passage of a bill or any other question
before the House shall be taken  by  a  fast  roll  call  and  a  member
desiring  to  vote  in  the  negative on such a roll call shall do so by
entering a negative vote through the electronic voting system or in such
other manner as may be prescribed by  the  Speaker.  All  other  members
shall  be  recorded in the affirmative. On such a roll call the Clerk of
the Assembly shall call the names of the members who are recorded in the
negative; and be it
  FURTHER  RESOLVED,   That,   notwithstanding   the   provisions   of
subdivision  b  of  section  6 of Rule V of the Assembly Rules, during a
period of declared state or national state of emergency, no member shall
speak more than once on any bill or  amendment,  without  leave  of  the
House and no member shall speak for more than fifteen minutes at a time;
and be it
  FURTHER RESOLVED, That during a period of declared state or national
state  of  emergency,  the  bar  of  the  House  may be extended, at the
discretion of the Speaker, to allow for members to be in  attendance  in
any  proceeding of the House by remote means including teleconference or
videoconference and such  members  shall  be  continuously  recorded  in
attendance  by  the  Clerk of the Assembly for the purposes of a quorum;
and be it
  FURTHER RESOLVED, That any member in attendance as permitted  during
a  period  of  declared  state or national state of emergency may submit
requests for recognition to the presiding officer  by  electronic  means
including  the  submission  of  questions  for  debate,  which  shall be
presented as part of the debate within the respective member's allocated
time; and be it
  FURTHER RESOLVED, That no  technical  failure  on  the  part  of  an
individual  member  or  a  group  of  members  that  breaks their remote
connection to the proceedings shall invalidate any  action  taken  by  a
majority of the Assembly.
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