A07166 Summary:
BILL NO | A07166A |
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SAME AS | SAME AS S05600-A |
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SPONSOR | Otis |
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COSPNSR | Burdick, Paulin, Rozic, Sayegh, Seawright, Simon, Thiele, Zebrowski, Jacobson, Shimsky |
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Amd §66, Pub Serv L | |
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Relates to the contents of emergency response plans required to be submitted to the public service commission by electric corporations; requires such plans to include details of staffing, equipment, and ability to perform toward certain standards; requires the public service commission to establish a time-based restoration schedule. |
A07166 Memo:
submitted in accordance with Assembly Rule III, Sec 1(f)   BILL NUMBER: A7166A SPONSOR: Otis
  TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the public service law, in relation to the contents of emergency response plans required to be submitted to the public service commission by electric corporations   PURPOSE OR GENERAL IDEA OF BILL: Amends the public service law to support reasonably prompt restoration of electrical service in the case of an emergency event. These response plans should include details of staffing, equipment and a performance schedule with the goal of achieving restoration of service based upon a time-based restoration schedule established by the Public Service Commission, utilizing benchmarks including, but not limited to, the percentage of customers restored within each twenty-four hour interval following the storm event.   SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS: Section 1 amends paragraph (a) of subdivision 21 of section 66 of the public service law, as added by section 4 of part X of chapter 57 of the laws of 2013, to support reasonably prompt restoration of service in the case of an emergency event. This is accomplished by requiring that emer- gency response plans should include details of staffing, equipment and a performance schedule with the goal of achieving restoration of service based upon a time-based restoration schedule established by the commis- sion. In establishing such time-based restoration schedules, the commis- sion should utilize benchmarks for the restoration of service which include, but are not limited to, the percentage of customers restored within each twenty-four-hour interval following the storm and consider- ation of different kinds of storm events. Section 2 establishes that this act shall take effect immediately.   DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ORIGINAL AND AMENDED VERSION (IF APPLICABLE): Technical Amendments   JUSTIFICATION: In 2013 the Governor and Legislature enacted strong measures in the public service law to improve planning and oversight of storm prepared- ness and response for electrical utility. corporations. In 2019 the PSC issued a report, "2018 WINTER AND SPRING STORMS INVESTIGATION - Case 19-M-0285" in response to failures in utility company storm preparedness and response in 2018. In addition to directives and recommendations in that report the PSC also upgraded storm preparedness regulatory require- ments for utilities after the 2018 storms. This legislation builds upon those initiatives by connecting the emergency response planning process with time restoration goals to be established by the Public Service Commission. It will help utilities achieve the goal of "reasonably prompt restoration of service" already outlined in the existing statute by encouraging the emergency response plans to ensure the utilities emergency plans include resources, staffing and an ability to restore within a reasonable timetable. Prior to and after Superstorm Sandy, outage periods have grown as utili- ty companies become more dependent on mutual aid from other parts of the country instead of maintaining the practice of having sufficient local resources and manpower to address these emergencies. Emergency response plans acknowledge this and strike a balance between the arrival of mutu- al aid and a utility corporation's responsibility to have local resources and staffing available to restore service within a reasonable period of time after a major storm event. Incorporating time-based restoration goals will help in achieving reasonably prompt restoration of service.   PRIOR LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: A75541/S4030-A (Otis/COMRIE) passed assembly/REFERRED TO ENERGY AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS   FISCAL IMPLICATIONS FOR STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS: None to the state.   EFFECTIVE DATE: This act shall take effect immediately.