Press Releases

Ra: New York Tax Policy Must Be Smarter to Keep Residents in State

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Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) joined his legislative colleagues today for a press conference in Albany to discuss New York state’s dismal tax climate and propose solutions for an economically-prosperous state. Ra stood alongside Assemblyman...

Ra Supports Solutions Reported by Task Force on School Safety & Security

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Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) attended a press conference in Albany today to support his colleagues’ release of their final report from the Minority Conference Task Force on School Safety & Security. The report puts forth legislative solutions...

Ra Joined by Local Officials, Environmental Advocates to Stop ‘Hochul’s High Rise Plan’ Ahead of Final Budget

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Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) today was joined by Town of Hempstead Supervisor Donald Clavin, Eric Swenson of the Hempstead Harbor Protection Committee, Senator Steve Rhoads, Senator Dean Murray, and local officials from across Long Island and...

Ra Reacts to One-House Budget

 “It is extremely disappointing to see the Assembly Majority continue on their path of irresponsible spending, which only further inflates taxes for New Yorkers who are already economically overburdened. Their budget proposal increases taxes by $3.8...

Ra Proud to Announce 2023 Italian-American Conference Scholarship

Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) and the Conference of Italian-American State Legislators are proud to announce that applications are now being accepted for the group’s annual scholarship program. Four scholarships will be awarded to New York state...

After 30 Days of an Earful from Concerned Homeowners, Hochul ‘Shrugs Off’ Assault on Suburbs

“The governor has released 30-day amendments that make no substantive changes to her Executive Budget proposal released last month. While I am not surprised by the failure to change the ill-conceived housing proposal, I am nevertheless disheartened...

Ra Participates in Joint Legislative Budget Hearing on Local Government

“"During the Joint Legislative Budget Hearing on Local Government this morning, I reiterated my opposition to Gov. Hochul's draconian zoning proposal which would fundamentally change Nassau County. The transit-oriented re-zoning requirement that would...

Ra Reacts to Hochul’s Budget Proposal

“The governor’s $227 billion budget proposal leaves much to be desired for Long Island taxpayers. While the investments in key areas like mental health and childcare are welcome, this proposal fails to address the needs of New Yorkers in the areas...

Ra Calls for Immediate Changes to State’s Public Safety Laws

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Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) today attended a press conference alongside members from the Assembly and Senate Minority Conferences to discuss the need for greater judicial discretion in relation to high crime rates as a result of enacted bail...

Ra Introduces Praise Our Police Program to Local School Districts

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In honor of Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) introduced his Praise Our Police (POP) program to local school districts in the 19th Assembly District. This program provided students with an opportunity to express their...

Ra Reacts to Hochul’s State of the State Address

“Like last year, Gov. Hochul is again putting forward a proposal to drastically reduce local control of zoning. Allowing a state-controlled entity to second guess local decision making even when a proposal violates local zoning is not the correct path...

Ra Presents Troop 201 of Herricks Eagle Scouts with Citations

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Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) recently presented four new Eagle Scouts from Troop 201 of Herricks with citations commemorating their hard work and dedication to their communities in reaching the Eagle Scout Rank. The four members of the Troop...

Ra Comments on Rumored Special Session on Legislative Pay Raise

“This fall, I heard the calls from voters saying they were concerned with rising crime and the ever-growing cost of living. Both of these issues are a major reason for many New Yorkers leaving for other states to pursue a better quality of life. Instead...

Ra Hosts Annual Toy Drive to Benefit Local Children’s Foundations

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Assemblyman Ed Ra (R - Franklin Square) recently wrapped up his annual toy drive to benefit the Child Life Program at NYU Langone Hospital and the John Theissen Children's Foundation. These are the schools that participated in this year’s toy drive:...

Ra Joins Notre Dame School Students for Veterans Portrait Project

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Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) joined the eighth-grade students from Notre Dame School in New Hyde Park as the students were visited by 18 military veterans to interview them about their military experience and how it impacted their lives. Sketches...

RA Hosts 4th Annual Active Living & Learning Series

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Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) recently held his 4th annual Active Living and Learning Series at the Garden City Senior Center. Various presentations given throughout the month of October by health professionals of many different specializations...

Ra Honors 11 Women in This Year's Women Of Distinction Ceremony

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Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) honored this year's Women of Distinction honorees on Saturday, Sept. 24. This was the Assemblyman’s 9th year hosting this celebration, where women from the district were selected for their notable accomplishments...

Assemblyman Ed Ra Calls for Restoration of Judicial Discretion, Eliminating Cashless Bail

Show me a controversial issue in the political world today and you'll see opposing sides put forth evidence showcasing why their arguments are correct. So, it comes as no surprise that when New York City Mayor Eric Adams introduced data regarding repeat...

Ra’s Patriotic Picnic: A Reminder Why We Honor Our Vets

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Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) hosted a free patriotic picnic on Thursday, August 11 to salute our veterans. Family and friends of Nassau County veterans came together to show gratitude for the local heroes in the community. A few highlights from...

Assemblyman Ra's Proposal to Provide Tax Relief to Seniors Signed into Law By Gov. Hochul

A bill championed by Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) for many years to provide senior homeowners with additional tax relief was signed into law by Gov. Hochul on Monday. The new law will permit local governments to increase the maximum allowable...