Keeping You Informed

6th Annual Dyslexia Awareness Day

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Assemblymember Simon Invites You to a Special Education & Mental Health Town Hall with CEC 13 &15, 2/11/2021

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Assemblymember Simon Invites You to Discuss Community Issues: Java with Jo Anne, 2/18/2021

Assemblymember Simon Hosts Black History Month Essay Activity for Middle School Students.


2021 New York City Parking Calendar - Compliments of Assemblymember Jo Anne Simon

Assemblymember Jo Anne Simon Reports to the People - December 2020

Opinion: Fairness Requires that NYC Pause the Gowanus Rezoning (City Limits)

Assemblymember Simon Testifies to the LPC in Support of Landmarking 227 Duffield Street on Abolitionist Place

2020 Summer Reading Challenge - Sponsored by Assemblymember Jo Anne Simon

Reto de Lecturas de Verano 2020 de la Asamblea del Estado de Nueva York - Auspiciado por la Asambleísta Jo Anne Simon

We're all in this together

Women’s History – Youth Activity Booklet

Women’s Movements Throughout U.S. History – Brochure

Assemblymember Simon’s Community Bulletin – March 2020

Census 2020 Stand Up. Get Counted.

Assemblymember Simon’s Community Bulletin – February 2020

2020 Census, Be Counted! What You Need to Know

Assemblymember Simon’s Community Bulletin – January 2020

Assemblymember Simon’s Community Bulletin – December 2019

Assemblymember Simon’s Invites You to her Holiday Open House, Friday, Dec. 20th 4-6:30PM