Assembly Passes Santabarbara’s GPS Safety Bill

New bill will use GPS to stop trucks from hitting bridges

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara announced that his bill to help prevent trucks from hitting bridges has passed in the New York State Assembly. The bill (A.8582-B) requires GPS systems to show the height of bridges, tunnels, and underpasses on drivers' routes.

"Bridge strikes are happening more often as drivers rely more on technology and less on signs," Santabarbara said. "This bill will help drivers see these dangers on their GPS, keeping everyone safer on the road. Warning signs alone aren’t enough, so putting these alerts right where drivers are already looking will make a big difference."

Even with existing warning signs, many drivers still hit low bridges, especially in unfamiliar areas. These accidents not only endanger lives but also cause significant damage to bridges and vehicles. The cost to communities from bridge strikes is huge, with emergency services like police, fire, and EMS needing to respond and roads being shut down for repairs.

In just one year, a bridge in Glenville was hit 34 times, with three crashes happening in just three weeks last summer. And it’s not just Glenville – in Central New York, the Onondaga Lake Parkway Bridge is hit often despite many warning signs. Statewide, almost 200 bridge strikes happen every year.

Santabarbara's bill aims to cut down these accidents and save money on repairs, making our roads safer for everyone. By preventing these incidents, we can reduce the burden on emergency responders, allowing them to focus on other critical needs. This will also save communities money, reduce traffic disruptions, and lower emergency response expenses, freeing up resources for other important uses.

"By ensuring that GPS systems show bridge heights, this bill will give drivers crucial information to avoid these dangerous situations. This legislation will reduce these accidents, ease the burden on emergency responders, and make our roads safer for everyone," Santabarbara concluded.