Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara Urges Federal Action on the VETT Act to Support Veterans' Organizations

In a letter to federal representatives, Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara, who served in the U.S. Army Reserve, is calling on federal representatives to take immediate action on the VSO Equal Tax Treatment (VETT) Act. This legislation, which has gained significant momentum in the House, is currently stalled in the Senate. Santabarbara, a long-time member of the AMVETS organization, is a founding member and the first Commander of AMVETS Post 35 in the town of Rotterdam.

In the letter, Santabarbara states, “I write to urge you to support this critical legislation that would remedy an outdated statute currently limiting Congressionally chartered veterans service organizations from receiving tax deductible charitable gifts. AMVETS and organizations like the American Legion need this bill to pass this Congress to avoid detriments resulting from the acceptance of all honorably discharged veterans into their membership, regardless of the time in which they served.”

“I understand firsthand the importance of these organizations and see the work they do to serve our veterans firsthand here in our community,” Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara said. “Veteran non-profits should never be penalized for welcoming honorably discharged veterans who served our country. Congress must take action to recognize the value of veteran service organizations and pass the VETT Act."

The VETT Act aims to allow all veteran non-profits, such as AMVETS and the American Legion, to receive tax- deductible charitable gifts. Due to an outdated rule, Congressionally chartered veteran non-profits are restricted from accepting more than 10 percent of non-wartime-era veterans into their membership. This limitation prevents these organizations from receiving essential tax-deductible charitable contributions that fund local memberships and programs.

A statement from the AMVETS National Organization reads: "The VSO Equal Tax Treatment (VETT) Act (S.677) would allow veteran non-profits like AMVETS and the American Legion to receive tax-deductible charitable gifts. Currently, these organizations cannot have more than 10 percent of non-wartime-era veterans in their membership without losing this status. This outdated rule is unfair to Cold War Era veterans, who are invaluable members of the AMVETS family. Your Senators are key to passing the VETT Act, and your support is needed."

"All veterans are invaluable members of our nation and the AMVETS family. Every other charitable organization in the country is able to receive tax-deductible charitable gifts, and we must take action to ensure this privilege includes veteran service organizations like AMVETS," added Santabarbara.