Assemblyman Santabarbara Highlights Growing Need for Childcare in Rural Communities Since COVID-19

Letter to Governor: Rural communities critical for successful re-opening

Even before the pandemic, rural communities were critically underfunded and lacking important resources. Things like high-speed broadband, and transportation have always been issues, however childcare has now taken on a greater weight during this crisis. With re-opening plans now being discussed for New York State, Assemblyman Santabarbara is asking the Governor to include childcare as a critical resource needed for rural communities to rebuild their economies.

Before COVID-19, the greatest shortage of childcare was in rural areas where a large percentage of residents either did not have access to professional childcare or relied on some other form of childcare like grandparents or elderly relatives. However, with the new norm of social distancing familial childcare may not be possible to the extent that it has been in the past – leaving many families with a growing need.

In a letter to the Governor, Santabarbara wrote, “We must remember that rural communities have not only been tasked with not only helping our state through this crisis but will also play an important role in its recovery. Even through these difficult times, rural communities have provided us with a safe and affordable food supply. These communities serve an essential role in providing the natural resources we all depend on not only for food, but also energy, water, and recreation, all-important to a successful re-opening for New York State.”