Assemblyman Santabarbara Sponsors K-9 Veterans Day Resolution to Honor Military Working Dogs

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara sponsored a resolution to recognize March 13, 2021, as K-9 Veterans Day, an observance that honors the courage and sacrifice of military dogs in New York State (K.103).

“Since our nation’s founding, dogs have been an integral part of our nation’s military and efforts and it’s important to honor these canine heroes who have served with honor and valor,” said Santabarbara. “This resolution recognizes the contributions of military working dogs, who perform their duties in dangerous and high-stakes environment exceptionally. I thank my colleagues for joining me in honoring this important day.”

K-9 Veterans Day coincidences with the anniversary of the founding of the official K-9 Corps in 1942 by Joseph White, a retired military working dog handler. Working dogs serve in a wide range of roles in numerous federal, state and local law enforcement agencies and branches of the military. Santabarbara’s resolution also recognizes ongoing efforts to make K-9 Veterans Day a nationwide observation.