Assemblyman Santabarbara to Host Virtual Event for Annual Autism Action Day

Assemblyman Santabarbara will be hosting an online event for his Annual Autism Action Day this Thursday

Autism is the fastest growing developmental disorder in the United States. 1 in 54 children are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, totaling over 5 million young people and adults. Over the years, Santabarbara’s Autism Action Day has helped turn the tide and ensured not only many new and exciting opportunities for those with autism, but also a culture of acceptance here in New York State. This year’s ‘virtual’ Autism Action Day continues those efforts to build a better awareness of the signs, symptoms, and realities of autism, provide information and resources for communities to be more aware of autism, promote acceptance, and be more inclusive in everyday life.

“This special event normally held at the State Capitol brings together self-advocates, family and organizations to highlight our accomplishments so far and the work left to do,” Assemblyman Santabarbara said. “Although our event looks a little different this year due to COVID-19, our hearts and minds are in the same place in our efforts to give those with disabilities a stronger voice. Thank you to the many individuals and organizations who sent in their video messages to help make this special online event possible this year.”


WHAT: Assemblyman Santabarbara’s 2021 Autism Action Day (Virtual Event)

WHEN: Thursday, April 29th, 2021, 6pm (online event)


  1. On the Open Stage Media at
  2. Full recording of the event will also be available at