Tague Joins Minority Colleagues to Support “Combating Antisemitism Act”

Assemblyman Chris Tague (R,C-Schoharie) joined his Assembly and Senate Minority colleagues today to call on the New York state government to adopt the “Combating Campus Antisemitism Act,” a measure that would withhold state tuition assistance awards from a student who has knowingly engaged in promoting antisemitism and has caused chaos as a result. Tague believes that as the home to one-tenth of the worldwide Jewish population, New York state has an obligation to stand strong against any rise in antisemitism, and that this proposal he has co-sponsored should be signed into law.

“If we are truly a state that cares about the mantra ‘Never Forget,’ we’d better start backing that up with protections for our Jewish neighbors,” Tague said. “We have explicit demonstrations against a protected class of people that has begun to spill from our highest educational institutions, and a refusal to acknowledge the problem does not make it go away. I am urging every elected official in this state to use their voice and their power to protect Jewish students by signing on to this proposal and making it a law.”