Tague, Legislators Advocate for Rural Equity Program in New York

Assemblyman Chris Tague (R,C-Schoharie) joined Assembly and Senate colleagues today for a press conference presenting plans for a rural resurgence in New York with a legislative package that offers priority and consideration to rural communities across New York State. Tague, a sponsor of several bills in the package, was proud to continue his rural advocacy work with his colleagues.

“New York has, often frustratingly, prioritized its urban centers at the expense of its rural communities for a number of years. The time has come to change that mindset,” Tague said.

“My program proposal that would see local farmers partnering with the state for the purchase of agriculture products and delivery to local food banks is just one such way New York can shift its urban-focused mindset. Support of volunteer firefighter and emergency medical services workers, expanding broadband access, and the dedication of further resources to rural schools are all initiatives I would hope this state takes seriously. New York is more than a city, and it’s time this government acknowledges that.”