Tague, Legislators Demand Change of NYS Parole Board

Assemblyman Chris Tague (R,C-Schoharie) echoed the sentiments of his Assembly and Senate colleagues today as they held a press conference advocating for a stricter parole board in New York state. Since 2017, the parole board has freed 41 cop killers in New York and is set to potentially release another this year. Tague believes that it is the responsibility of this state government to ensure bad actors of this magnitude are not allowed back on the streets.

“If we’re to truly claim this state supports law enforcement, we can’t have cop killers allowed to roam free; it’s as simple as that.,” Tague said. “The law enforcement community works tirelessly to keep us safe, knowing there’s always a chance they may not return home from patrol one day. When this state allows those who rob families of parents, brothers, sisters and children who protect and serve from this life, it is failing that community. We have an obligation to keep these heinous killers behind bars, and I will continue to advocate for that principle until it becomes law.”