‘Year of the Criminal’ Marches On In NYS
April 30, 2019
Assemblyman Chris Tague (R,C,I,Ref-Schoharie) stood opposed to an Assembly Majority bill (A.3972) which would require employers to make an official job offer to candidates before inquiring about any past criminal convictions of a prospective employee. The bill aims to limit discrimination against those with criminal records. Tague is concerned this would unduly restrict employers from essential knowledge about potential employees and allow dangerous individuals into the workplace. The bill was introduced into the Correction Committee earlier today and continues the trend set by Assembly Majority politicians giving special rights and privileges to criminals in 2019.
“I am very upset to see another piece of supremely pro-criminal legislation this session,” Tague said. “From pay raises, opening up juries to felons, parole eligibility solely on age instead of merit, the Majority politicians just keep highlighting their real priorities. It’s an employer’s duty to keep and maintain a safe and hospitable work environment, and this bill would severely hamper their ability to protect their employees and their clientele. They’ve made it very apparent who they support, and it isn’t the law-abiding citizens and families in New York state. I’ve spoken many times on the Legislature helping out small businesses; this is not what I had in mind.”