Stop Taking Small Business To The Cleaners, Make NY Tax-Free
Jun 4, 2013
I’ve devoted a significant portion of my life to my family’s dry cleaning business, so it pleased me to see the underdogs from less politically flashy industries get credit on the editorial page. “Here’s to the Dry Cleaner” hit Tax-Free NY...
Level The Playing Field For Everyone
Jun 4, 2013
I’ve been running a dry-cleaning business for over 20 years, and every year Albany increases the burdens I and other small-business owners face. In the four months I’ve been a part of the New York State Assembly, I’ve fought for lower taxes and...
Working To Reform Albany And Restore Faith In Government
May 3, 2013
For far too long, the corruption in Albany has been rampant and has been done with no regard for the people of New York. The entrenched political class has allowed this corruption to not only take place, but has created an environment where this is an...
Keeping My Promises: Fighting For Welfare Reform
Mar 25, 2013
To begin my first article for The East Aurora Bee, I want to thank everyone in my district for allowing me to continue my public service on behalf of Wyoming County and portions of Erie County. I am proud to call East Aurora my home, proud to have been...