DiPietro Passes Along Hunting Bill To Expedite Passage
Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) is passing Assembly Bill 3937 to Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther to expedite the legislation’s passage. The bill would eliminate the need for hunters to wear back tags across the state. Back tags are currently not required in the Catskills and the Northern hunting zone, which encompasses nearly 50 percent of the state’s land mass. Forty-eight other states do not require the use of back tags.
“My legislation to roll back hunting regulations for all hunters outside of the Catskills and Northern hunting zone has drawn the attention of members from the other side of the aisle, and by signing it over to Assemblywoman Gunther, the bill’s passage will be expedited,” DiPietro said. “I will remain as a co-sponsor of the legislation. This is an essential victory for hunters, and I’m proud to have led the charge for this reform. In the most anti-gun Legislature in America, we have secured another victory for our timeless hunting tradition.”